Running Bear's January 2019 Coffee Shop

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I thought this was funny.
Satire from The Borowitz Report

Polar Vortex Causes Hundreds of Injuries as People Making Snide Remarks About Climate Change Are Punched in Face
By Andy Borowitz
Andy Borowitz is the New York Times best-selling author of “The 50 Funniest American Writers,” and a comedian who has written for The New Yorker since 1998. He writes the Borowitz Report, a satirical column on the news, for
YES, LOUIS -- You win the bubble gum this morning - IT"S GOLF!!!! I can still visualize the day that I walked over to the 55 gallon trash barrel on the golf course in Albuquerque and deposited my entire bag of clubs - then threw my shoes in on top! I have not picked up a club from that day except for an occasional Minature Golf game with the kids, or Gkids.
We have members in our Bunco Club who LIVE by the game and play, I kid you not, everyday that it does not rain!
I probably could have done better if I had really, really tried, but I had rather spend my time "building" something than chasing a little white ball which was hard to find much of the time. I could hit the ball either 100 yards or 10 yards ... take your pick ... I never knew which one it would be. I subscribe to the theory professed by my father that only guys with little bitty balls play golf.

I hope It's sugar free bubble gum! :)

Golf is a fun game, but if you can't handle failure and have anger management issues. You are better off not playing.

Maybe one day you and I can play, I'm terrible but I enjoy playing. It's been so long I will have to go back to the way I started. Bring 2 dozen balls and don't keep score, just have fun! You lose a ball, hit another.

I bet you made the same mistake I made starting out, swing as hard as we can. I can hit a ball 300 yards with a driver, but I can't say where it will go! Use an Iron, 5-7 swing easy and keep the ball in play. Do that for a few rounds, hit a few buckets of balls at the driving range and the next thing you know we can keep score. With a little luck we won't be too much over 100.

I won't be critical of golfers, it takes a lot practice to be good and I respect that.
I essentially quit golf the day I beaned Sam Sneade.
The following week, I got a new driver, and took it to a local pier to practice my driving, so I didn't brain any other golfers. I took a bucket of balls, hit about 6 of them, then listened to a companion that told me I was gripping the club too hard, and to loosen my grip. I did so, and the next shot, the club went further out into the water than the ball.
I haven't played golf since.
A thirty year period is virtually nothing to a planet that is billions of years old .

Enough already .

"According to an ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8° Celsius (1.4° Fahrenheit) since 1880. Two-thirds of the warming has occurred since 1975, at a rate of roughly 0.15-0.20°C per decade.

"A one-degree global change is significant because it takes a vast amount of heat to warm all the oceans, atmosphere, and land by that much. In the past, a one- to two-degree drop was all it took to plunge the Earth into the Little Ice Age. A five-degree drop was enough to bury a large part of North America under a towering mass of ice 20,000 years ago."

IOW, if you put the numbers from the 1st and 2nd paragraphs together, and if the numbers were going in the other direction, in the last 130 years we would have progressed 1/2-way toward another Little Ice Age.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, and I will have no problem saying so. But it's going to take more than unevidenced personal opinion to persuade me. Don't tell me I'm wrong, show me.
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My point is I do not wish to persuade you to change your thinking. Instead, I believe the topic should be dropped in this forum.
I essentially quit golf the day I beaned Sam Sneade.
The following week, I got a new driver, and took it to a local pier to practice my driving, so I didn't brain any other golfers. I took a bucket of balls, hit about 6 of them, then listened to a companion that told me I was gripping the club too hard, and to loosen my grip. I did so, and the next shot, the club went further out into the water than the ball.
I haven't played golf since.
Sam Snead! Well that is one way to meet him. :) What did he say after you hit him? Did you get an autograph?

A relaxed grip is important in baseball and golf I tell my older baseball players, "hold the bat like it's your girl friend. She won't like it if you hold her too tight"
LOUIS -- Every now and then I did break 100 (on either the 1st or maybe the 2nd NINE!

We may meet and shake hands, hug, punch each other, or have a shot of Maker's Mark; but... WE Will Never Play Golf!

Terry -- that was a good story!

If I want to take a nap in front of the TV -- just put it on a golf game. I have a hard time fathoming why people follow golfers around a golf course, "Oh look! He hit the ball really far! Now let's follow him another 1/4 mile so we can see him hit it again".
My point is I do not wish to persuade you to change your thinking. Instead, I believe the topic should be dropped in this forum.
Why? It's neither religious nor political (and people don't seem to have a problem bringing those subjects up, from time to time). At least, it shouldn't be. And I'm not asking anyone to interpret the numbers, just to look at them.

You know, you could just block me. You know I'm occasionally going to talk about things you don't want to hear about. Go ahead and block me, or just skip over. I'm not angry when I say this, but it does seem odd that you read posts that seem to upset you, when you don't have to.
LOUIS -- Every now and then I did break 100 (on either the 1st or maybe the 2nd NINE!

We may meet and shake hands, hug, punch each other, or have a shot of Maker's Mark; but... WE Will Never Play Golf!

Terry -- that was a good story!

If I want to take a nap in front of the TV -- just put it on a golf game. I have a hard time fathoming why people follow golfers around a golf course, "Oh look! He hit the ball really far! Now let's follow him another 1/4 mile so we can see him hit it again".

I'm all in for shaking hands and the hug, but please don't hit me, that won't end well.

I have Jameson, my favorite and Evan Williams and some other stuff. I'm not sure what the other stuff is because when I drink, I drink whiskey. When it comes to bourbon, I'm not picky, I never tasted a bad bourbon.

I'll never understand why people watch golf in person, but I have to admit I have enjoyed it on TV. Usually on a late Sunday evening after the football games.
Because I like everybody here and don’t want to see my friends arguing .
There's been a lot of sports talk lately. Sports bores my socks off. That's no reason for me to tell the folks who enjoy sports "enough."

Besides, who was arguing? It's possible to have a discussion without everyone agreeing all the time. Those kinds of conversations can be damned boring.
Don't worry Garry, nobody is arguing.

My Nanny use to tell me "That's why God gave you two ears, what you don't want to hear goes in one and out the other"
Don't worry Garry, nobody is arguing.

My Nanny use to tell me "That's why God gave you two ears, what you don't want to hear goes in one and out the other"
Uh huh. How much did she appreciate God's handiwork when she told you to do something, and it went in one ear and out the other?
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