Coffee Shop 15

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I just paid $6.17 for a pack. April 1st I believe is when Obama's 60 cent tax gets added in. Now I just overpaid at Kroger, but that is because I refuse to buy another carton and keep saying this is my last pack.

I think the average price around here is $5.20. It really sucks to be addicted.
Afternoon. Hope you all had a great weekend. I just walked in from a trip to Milwaukee. I will be happy not to see another car for at least a week.

Just walked in??? Reminds me of the OLD comedy line, "I just flew in from Milwaukee, and boy, are my arms tired!" :D:D:D
Wouldn't you know that my wife's long weekend off would be wrong for the Air Show with the Blue Angels this coming Saturday/Sunday...She was off this weekend :(. We only live 1 mile from the runway and can see planes coming and going, but that doesn't help see the WWII fighters on display and the low level flying. Ah, so it goes being married to a Nurse. I wouldn't feel right going without out her, as she loves that stuff too.

Cigarettes by Philip Morris are $40 a carton here at a discount tobacco place after PM raised every carton $7. The State is planning on a new tax and OB will certainly nail one on. I would love to get off of them and stay off. Anyone have a magic wand or fairy dust?

Chris I feel for you and your diet. I've started a Slimfast diet where you drink one at two meals and then have a sensible meal for dinner. I can cut back on my late evening snacking, but can't seem to completely knock it out. Anyhow, I've lost about 5 lbs in 2 weeks and still trying to get going with it. I need to lose around 15 lbs more.

Time to order some parts to build signals with. I have two bridges and 10 mast type built, but need 6 more....for now:eek:.

Good Night and Good Morning to those that read this with their coffee.:)
Good morning from Ye Olde London Towne. I've been missing these coffee mornings as of late. I seem to spend most of my time on trains going to and from client sites. At least I'm busy.

Spent Friday in meetings with a potential client who was scared their existing IT company would go to the wall so they wanted a bit of a safety net. Made me feel a bit like the grim reaper hanging about in the foyer waiting for my next recruit to finally curl up his toes. Its turning into an eat or be eaten environment over here. Our useless excuse for a government isn't helping either.

The coffee shop is starting to look more like a branch of LA Fitness. :D

I too need to cut back on the blubber again. We both did the Weight Watcher's programme a few years back. I managed to shed around 20lbs, but SWMBO dropped nearly 50. Time for me to lose some more excess and catch up. As for the cigs, I can be smug and say never have, never will. Bak in high school we had a teacher that was a rabid anti-smoker. He showed us all the crap and chemicals that were added to the tobacco, etc, etc. He also did the math and left us a challenge. I managed to follow it and put the $$$ that a pack a day would have cost into a savings account. 9 years later it made a nice downpayment on our first house.

Spring has finally arrived so I managed to spend most of the weekend outdoors and getting the shed/train room insulated. 1/2 way there. Had a bit of a CAT-tastrophie while I was a way last week. One of our little terrors decided to sleep on my workbench knocking a Kato Ac4400 to the floor. Now I need to find a replacement railing set for the CP version. (Kato's site says sold out), and also the steps at one end were crushed, so a new walkway moulding is needed too but that doesn't even show up on their parts list. Doubt I'll find bits so this one may end up as a parts donor for the future. I'm really hoping to be able to move all the trains into the shed by the end of May.

Flo, herbal tea, and a lo-fat whole grain muffin please. :mad:

Have a good week all. Tomorrow I'm spending half my day on one of these things (again):
Good early morning, everyone.

Tom, thanks for the tip on that book. The people who bought it sure seemed to think it helped so what I can I lose for 10 bucks? I know all about the health problems that smoking acuses - I started out my medical career as a respiratory therapist, for cripes sake. As one of my old psych professors used to say "Intellectual insight isn't worth a damn". I made a comittment to quit when my wife drops her weight. It won't be easy but it will be worth it. I'm not getting any younger and those things are starting to take their toll. I buy the cheapest cigarettes I can get (why pay more to get cancer :) ) and those are now up to $32 a carton and Alabama is still relatively cheap compared to places like the People's Republic of California. I'll save money, save my health, and keep my promise to my wife, so that will give me enough incentive to quit, I think. I'm really lucky never to have much of a taste for alcohol and, with my Meiniere's Disease, one drink and I'm on the floor barfing. If the same thing happened with nicotine, I would have quit real quick. :eek:

Ken, I'm really looking forward to your article. The 360 degree view thing they can do with Flash is pretty neat.

Andrew, sounds like you made some good decisions in your youth. Since my layout is in the basement and the only time cats are allowed down there is in cages when we have tornado warnings, they haven't had the chance to destroy anything yet. They'd have the whole thing dismantles in an hour if I let them near it. :)

Rex, I'm stuck pulling security duty at our church for a big women's conference this coming weekend or I'd be up there to watch the Angels. Saturday looks like perfect flying weather. Sunday looks a bit more iffy.

Karl, sure sounds like you've been through the wringer. I hope you can quit whenever you feel you're comitted to do so.

It's going to be a rough day in the market today. First, Obama essentially fired the CEO of GM. Now the news has leaked out that the auto industry committee had decided that GM and Chrysler haven't done enough to meet their terms and they are only going to fund them for 60 more days to allow them to do a structured bankruptcy, something that should have happened about 30 billion dollars ago. The Dow Jones futures are down about 200 points, which should translate into a 400 to 500 point decline tomorrow. The Asian markets have all finished around 5% down. I'm afraid that all the buyers who have been chasing the tail of the bear market are going to get bit this morning.
Chris I feel for you and your diet. I've started a Slimfast diet where you drink one at two meals and then have a sensible meal for dinner. I can cut back on my late evening snacking, but can't seem to completely knock it out. Anyhow, I've lost about 5 lbs in 2 weeks and still trying to get going with it. I need to lose around 15 lbs more.


Better than slime slow, Just cutting out Pastas, Soda's, any thing with Sugar, and cut back on bread no more than 2 slices a day! and increase you evening walk after dinner.....(walking to the train room doesn't count!:( If you stick to that you will lose the 15# in on month! another aid is cutting out caffine!:eek::eek::eek: Caffine makes you more hungry and you eat more:eek: when I first heard that i busted a gut laughing......I tried it and low and behold I eat less:confused::) crazy! Due to My wife having Krohns, her Doctor has changed our eating habits:eek: I got to say my energy levels have increased, my body pains are slowly are going away and I read labels on all food packaging before i buy, being careful with my cals. and carb. intake:) Like Jim, said he switched to a 1800cal. diet and it stuck with him.......

Nothing wrong with late night snacking, just get rid of the crap(junk) food, replace with healthy things and things with no sugar! apples, naners, oranges, and grapes are good healthy snack food!

Good news on my diet, i'm by belt is runnig out of holes on the good side:) I might have to add a hole soon:D the diet is working! B.O.B. Is going to get gone!
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hello again, good morning, its snowing. (yuck).

haven't caught up, but looks like everyone needs to come to MY place.
I can offer the farm/spa weightloss vacation package. you can spend quality time relaxing on the deck. IF you have time. because I can keep you busy and active all day long.

cleaning stalls. taking horses in and out. grooming horses. raking in the sides of the indoor arena. (the sand footing gets kicked up against the walls and has to be brought back onto the track. we do this with a rake. the arena is 70X150.) its GREAT for the arms, the abs, the thighs, in fact every extra inch of you.

there is sweeping the barn aisles, unloading and stacking hay and straw, carrying buckets of water, heaving 88pound sacks of grain. and lets not forget sweeping down spiderwebs from the ceiling!

did I mention grooming horses? excellent for the arms. there is lots of stretching and bending involved, as well, so it gets you fit, AND flexible!

oh, and lets not forget the whole lawn and garden thing. This is my first spring in this location, and I have to dig flower and vegetable gardens. Lots of hauling wheelbarrows of aged manure, digging, tilling, planting weeding.....

want more? whos up for housework? sweep! mop! vacuum! make those beds, wash those dishes! don't forget the laundry! into the washer! into the dryer! now we IRON!!

wonder what I could charge people.

I'ld even feed you. :)
Good Morning--back to winter! Current temperature is at -3C with a windchill( yes, THAT again!:mad:) of -11C! Got about 2" of the white stuff to contend with--it was wet hence it's all frozen to the car so out comes the scraper--:mad:

Got some clients to visit today so I's gonna be busy today. After all that I'm going to pick up some more foam for an escarpment---:D:D

Chris I'm replacing Pasta's with Brown/Wild rice--you would not believe how tasty that gets when you use some herbs on it!:D:D--Whole grains are more what should be used --in small portions. :eek:

LatentT MMM-and where, praytell, is this 'Spa'?:eek::);)--I did do that when I was at my uncle's place----kinda miss that---:D:D:rolleyes:

Have a good'un--:D:D:D
hello again, good morning, its snowing. (yuck).

wonder what I could charge people.

I'ld even feed you. :)

Mornin Gang! :)

Latent. Ahh yes, the farm life. "Green Acres is the place to be!" I grew up doing a lot of the same things that you describe and while a lot of it was fun ,there were a lot of numb toes and fingers from the cold. Not to mention standing still and causing puddles to form from sweat.
Let em know when you get that climate control system in, I'll be up!:D

I never did like the taste of Slimfast or other stuff like that. When I lost the bulk of the weight, I did 2 very simple things. #1, I read a book by Gunnar Peterson called G-Force. This book allowed my to create a 13 step workout program to use with my weightbench that literally only took me 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week. The other half of that was a 1 plate rule at dinner. 1 Plate ONLY! No going back for seconds or 3rds. If I needed a snack later, then a fat-free sourdough hard pretzel was in order. I dropped 95 pounds in a year this way. Now I have rebounded slightly. I've put about 20 pounds on since getting remarried 18 months ago. But then again, I havn't been working out either. When I finally put the smokes down, I'll go back to the weight bench (replace 1 vice with another).
That 30 year high school reunion is coming up soon, and she already works out 3 days a week, so I better get my butt in gear soon! She wants us to be the best looking couple there!

Rex/Jim I'm jealous! The Angels & T-birds never seem to come around our way. I saw them once when I was a kid. I think I made and flew paper airplanes for a week or 2 nonstop after that!:eek:

Gonna spend the day doing final check out and beginning to pack up the modules for next weekends show. Also packing fresh batteries and memory cards. I may even treat you guys to pictures from the show, IF you all behave this weekend and Chris doesn't kill somebodys credit card at the diner!:eek::D
Good morning.

It's 47 and partly cloudy. The high will be around 75 and it will be partly cloudy.

Things went well at the BBQ yesterday AFTER the grilling was well underway. It had been decided that a charcoal grill would be used. I prefer gas grills myself. Anyhow, the appointed chef (not me) loaded the grill with what I believed to be an inordinate amount of match-lite charcoal. He then lit said charcoal and closed the lid neglecting to open the draft on the lid. Five minutes later there was only a slight amount of heat from the grill. Without thinking about what kind of Pandora's box he might be opening the chef snatched the lid up and, you guessed it, WHHOOOM! Flames shot five feet straight up and about two feet to all sides. I lost half the hair on my right arm, the chef lost his eyes lashes, eye brows, the forward part of his hairline and his composure. One of my sisters cats which had been sitting nearby jumped three feet into the air and four feet back, landing on my niece's pit bull and proceeded to tear the dog a new one as this must somehow all be his fault. As the somewhat bewildered dog ran for the hills I slammed the grill lid down and opened the draft, losing most of the rest of the hair on my arm in the process. The poor chef was the object of much ribbing for the rest of the day. On the layout front I tore down the pedestrian bridge. I used part of it to make a stairway to Ezra's home over his gas station. As to what today holds in store, well, as they say, I'll know that when the time comes.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446-6114 3/30/2009

Wind Chill: 45°F
Humidity: 91%
Dew Point: 45°F

So Far Today
High: 48°F
Low: 45°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 6mph SSE

Today High: 75 Partly cloudy. Highs in the mid 70s. Southeast winds 10 to 20 mph.

Tonight Low: 62 Partly cloudy in the evening then becoming mostly cloudy after midnight then becoming partly cloudy late. A 20 percent chance of showers. Warmer. Lows in the lower 60s. South winds 10 to 15 mph.
I have a serious case of the Monday's.

Weather is nice here in central Ohio...just little chillier than normal but the sun is out.
Good morning folks

It was 44 F as I headed off to work. Our high today will be 54 F.

It was a wild weekend. I worked most of Saturday and my wife worked at the museum all day. We worked on some of the final preparations for the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet. Sunday we had to do some shopping and then did some yard work. I had to get the leaves out from around the bushes in the front of the house. My wife planted some Easter plants and we fertilized the tree in the front yard. Just after we finished the storms came up. It got very dark and windy. Then the hail came. It was the size of dimes and pennies and covered the ground like a layer of snow. We had thunder and lightning with heavy rain for about an hour. A couple of hours later at dusk another smaller storm came through and we had another round of hail. This time the hail was about the size of peas.

No modeling got done.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Without thinking about what kind of Pandora's box he might be opening the chef snatched the lid up and, you guessed it, WHHOOOM! Flames shot five feet straight up and about two feet to all sides. I lost half the hair on my right arm, the chef lost his eyes lashes, eye brows, the forward part of his hairline and his composure. One of my sisters cats which had been sitting nearby jumped three feet into the air and four feet back, landing on my niece's pit bull and proceeded to tear the dog a new one as this must somehow all be his fault. As the somewhat bewildered dog ran for the hills I slammed the grill lid down and opened the draft, losing most of the rest of the hair on my arm in the process.
I'm sorry about the loss of arm hair, but the visual imagery that conjours up made me spill my coffee I was laughing so hard. I can picture the fireball and flying cat bronco riding the pit bull. :D:D

Reminds me of the old joke about, my uncle who worked for the gas company, testing for leaks. He's the one in the corner with a box of matches, no eyebrows, and a stunned expression on his face. Take care Jeffery.
HOLY SMOKES!!!! (Pardon the pun)
I couldn't afford to smoke now-a-days!
Man, when I started, cigs were .50 a pack! $5.00 for a carton......and that was hiway robbery according to some folks! Glad I quit when I did!
Chris I'm replacing Pasta's with Brown/Wild rice--you would not believe how tasty that gets when you use some herbs on it!:D:D--Whole grains are more what should be used --in small portions. :eek:

watch it on the rice high in Carbs!:eek: very small amounts good:)....heaping plate full's Bad:( I more or less try to avoid grains:rolleyes: Small amounts on the weekends thats it:)! Tonight Chicken breast and rabbit food!
Good afternoon , Flo.
A cuppa coffe, a donut and my tab from the last coupla weeks.
I have been dropping in to see who was doing what, but family illness prevented spending any time on the forum.
Everybody is well at the moment, so I can pay my tab and enjoy the atmosphere here.

Somebody say something to me in "train"!
I need to go sniff some plastic glue.:D My three and five year-old grandsons are not calm enough to help contruct buildings yet. Even MEK takes too long to set for their patience.

Now that I have paid my tab, maybe Flo will let me return tomorrow!
If you have any diabetes problems that rice will blow your blood sugar level off the map!

Portion control does wonders though. Besides, one does not need to eat great heaping mountains of this stuff. :eek::eek:

I've seen some fruit drinks that could send the ol' blood sugar into the next solar system--probs liquified sugar concentrate with food colouring added:eek::eek:

Got home to a surprise visit from BIL from Audrey's side of family:eek:;)--they dropped in to see her after seeing another relative who we found out wasn't doing to well:eek::eek:--we're going to check up on them tomorrow after work.:confused::)

Meanwhile I'm going to go and check up on proceedings in the living room:):)--
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Yeah, he's set everybody else's on fire!
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