Coffe shop XXXIV - 9/10/12

Good morning. It's 63° with 100% humidity. It'll be partly cloudy with a high of 85°.

Hopefully today I can get a chance to clean up to clean up the layout a bit and put my kitchen back together a little. I'd like to at least put a front on the cabinet even if it's just luan board. I had planned on working on the layout yesterday and ended up getting Shanghaied into working on things I really didn't want to work on.

Good afternoon folks.

I haven't been playing with trains for a bit so I haven't been on the forums either. Things are moving along with work in a fine fashion. The owners are finding out that it's easy to spend money. I could have told them that $10,000 ago!:rolleyes:

I visited La Crosse WI this past weekend to see some friends we made while living there. I had to stop into the hobby shop just to see if he's still surviving. Well, the word barely comes to mind. While there, a father and son were trying to buy the things they needed to start a railroad. The dad was in his sixties and the kid was maybe ten. I enjoyed listening to them ask questions and having the hobby shop owner explain what track to buy and other items. I was wondering if they would have tried to start in this hobby while shopping on the internet. I don't think so.

Anyway, I thought I'd stop in and say hello.
The problem for the hobby shop/s is that when they go home, the 10 yr old will say, "Let's look it up on the the 'net, Dad".
Another hard day. Shanghaied again! My father called this morning to have me come down to help him test the saw. One board told us the one rip fence wasn't going to be enough as the area of table top isn't very big. So we put on a second fence on the opposite side of the blade to act as a guide. We cut another board. That worked much better! Then he wanted to make sure that wasn't just a lucky shot. A third board was cut then three boards turned into two dozen boards! That's not even half! I have to hold these big long boards up and feed them to the blade. It's only when they're six or seven feet across the table that I get a break. At that point the table is supporting the weight then my father is supporting the weight as he pulls it from the other side. My balance isn't all that great so I have a hard time with it so naturally it tires me out rather quickly. I had to remind him that it's a bit more than a quarter century since I was twenty-five and he may enjoy these kid games but I don't. I can't be on my feet for very long. If he wants help with cutting six or eight boards that's fine. But a dozen or more is too much. Another job was taking an old B&D circular saw apart and fixing it. It runs now but I have no idea for how long. It could go down after a few minutes or it could work for another ten years. He has to work tomorrow so it looks like I'll get a break. Brother, do I need it! My knees and back are screaming.

Well, time to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow, if I bother to get out of bed.

Good morning. It's 67° with 100% humidity. We have patchy fog. It's a wonder everything isn't soaked! It'll be partly cloudy with a high of 85°.

I'm still sore and stiff from yesterday. I think today I'll just rest and take it easy. No layout work planned but you never know.

Good evening. We have had several electronic disasters at work all this week, and it's not looking too good for tomorrow, either. Our internet servers went down, our company's operating programs are being updated and changed to new ones, and everything went straight to that really hot place Monday morning. It hasn't gotten any better. Today was my third Monday this week.
Good to hear from you guys. Hope things improve for everyone. I was feeling slightly food poisoned since last night.......Then I took some pepto-bismal a while ago....and seem to be feeling better in the last hour. The active ingredient in the pink stuff is the element bismuth. Works for me anyway.

Tough day for me today. Been tired all day and was having to hold back a real short temper. That finally got the better of me when I went down to give my mother her shot. She said she tried calling me earlier but my number wouldn't work. Checked the call log on her phone. She hadn't dialed the area code. Here it's 337. I have a New Orleans number! 504 area code. She knows that but she forgets. My father gets home from work and comes in about then and starts yelling that I turned my phone off so it wouldn't ring. It was all I could do to keep from knocking him on his butt! Instead I pushed him down in a chair and explained the facts of the matter to him, showed him the call log and told him he wasn't getting off the chair until he apologized. He knows it's not a good idea to push me over the line but it seems sometimes that he just can't resist. Despite what you see of me online I'm not one of the friendliest people in the world. I'm easier to get along with than I was thirty-five years ago. Jump on me when I'm having a bad day? That doesn't fly! He decided it would be a real good idea to apologize. Besides he hadn't had dinner and the fridge was calling him. I gave my mother her insulin shot and made sure she'd taken her medicine before he and I got into it again. I don't want to hurt him but sometimes he just pushes and pushes and pushes.

Well now that I got that off my chest it's time I called it a night. I have to go to my parents place at 2pm tomorrow so I want to be rested up good. See y'all tomorrow.

Good Morning

Weather be all foggy at this hour of day..55F presently, going up to 74F feeling like 80F the sun..

Yep...I'se awake again. Not much sleep around these parts. The little Spring is a comfort though...all bundled up between my arms and purring away here:)...anyone wondering where I was...found out at Oncologist's that I may need to go back on the ding dang fricking fracking chemo again...due to something on XRay....:mad::mad:

I've got a bunch of stuff to clean up studio being placed in another room while I can has trainroom back to being trainroom:D...I am so glad that Audrey understands my quarbles here...after 35 years I'd certainly hope so....:eek::rolleyes:

Welb...better be getting at some stuff in here...if'n I be up at funny hours...might as well...:eek::rolleyes:

Have a good'un!!!!
Good morning. It's 70° with 99% humidity and patchy fog. It's partly cloudy now but is quickly changing to mostly cloudy. The high will be 85°. There's rain moving in tonight.

I'm feeling better this morning than I did last night but I can already feel that I'm on the bad end of a mood swing. I just hope nothing sets it off. When it starts there's nothing I can do stop it. Darn medicine side effects! At two this afternoon I have to go down and stay with my mother for a bit. I hope she'll be watching something other than CNN/FoxNews/QVC. I get what I need from a short news report in the morning but having somebody constantly barking about the same old stories hour after hour is just too much. I don't know how she puts up with it.

No layout work planned for today. If I get a chance later I'll get the tractor and trailer and pick up the pieces of my kitchen cabinet that are still piled up out in the yard and take them down to the burn pile.

I hope everybody else has a better day than I'm having thus far.

Good morning folks.

It's snowing here!:eek: The ground is still around 50 degrees six inches down so it's melting. Boy, reality is setting in that old man winter is knocking on our door in the upper Midwest.

No trains for me just yet. I have glanced at them while I walked by so that's a start! Work still sucks so I won't get into that.

Have a good one.
Good morning everyone......or good afternoon to those people who are accustomed to switching after.......ohh never's always morning somewhere. :)

I have a darn kidney stone working its way though. Seems to happen about once every 4-5 months. So I'm taking it easy with some anti-inflammatory meds. Sorry....too much information. I guess you're supposed to go say that on tweeter now-a-days? Well, I don't have tweeter........just MRRF.......(the budget plan). :rolleyes::p

I decided to change that. Was not my finest moment. Erase.....erase.....erase.
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Announcements are kinda different these days. Before it was like "Martha and I would like to announce the birth of our first child".

Now it's more like "Hi....uh...this here's Gus....and today I'm passing my twelfth kidney stone.....(applause).......thank you!....thank you!" :D

You can be grateful my wife's not a member on here, or you'd be reading about it ad nauseam :(
