Athearn's Latest Price Increases: Im out...

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Its kind of sad day for this hobby when Athearn is now charging $49 MSRP for a 2bay Hopper

And $42 for a set of 3 containers...

And their atrocious QC, junky handrails and crappy constantly burning out lights.

Blah blah blah...Chinese costs increasing, brass like details, no one pays MRSP, oil prices... I aint buying it. Im not buying anymore of their product. Free market rules, right? Yeah I know Atlas and all the others have increased their new products prices, but never this quickly, month after month. Im doing my part to demonstrate the fundamental of 'Elasticity of Demand' to them.

Im done with Athearn at these price-points. They can keep their junky handrails and crappy constantly burning out lights.

Rant off, game on...

Wow $49 for a car that was $30 5 years ago. I doubt labor costs and oil prices justify a $19 price increase per car! I understand Plastic is made from oil and shipping/labor prices went up but we are talking a total of less then a $1 per model when all is said and done and they jack the price up $19! I bet Athearn is just doing it to see what the market will accept. if they dont sell many then they will lower the price but expect to see more of this.
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I'll just stick to buying their used produts from swap meets and train shows. Can not afford their prices even before this increase.
The Dollar has actually increased against the Euro in recent months. Not sure how its done against the Yuan. Either way, the % change isnt a direct relation to that of Athearn's prices. Im sure there's a chart somewhere showing that...:)

Bottom line: Athearn's price increases have far outpaced any factor in the market. Moreover, Im voting with my wallet--no more new Athearn til/if/when prices return to say, what they were 6 months ago. Im just one consumer, but Im crying 'uncle.'
Same with flextrack... it seems outrageous that one three foot piece is $5.80 at the LHS.

Sure prices will rise, politicians will philander, and you too will get old... But I remember 6 years ago when flextrack could be had for $2.50
Bottom line: Athearn's price increases have far outpaced any factor in the market. Moreover, Im voting with my wallet--no more new Athearn til/if/when prices return to say, what they were 6 months ago. Im just one consumer, but Im crying 'uncle.'

Considering the quality (or lack of) of some of the latest Athearn products that's about the only way to show your opinion. Of course then we'll hear the "no new items because the others didn't sell" from the manufacturer.
I work in the plastics industry. Having said that, I can say for certain that the price of oil will not cause the price of a plastic car to raise that much. In fact, oil prices have fallen a bit lately. i am off from work for the next couple of weeks so I do not have access to the pricing information I otherwise would have. My best guess right now for material costs for this car is probably somewhere in the $3.00-$3.50 range. Yes, those decimal points are in the right place. This is for the styrene only and I could be a bit off on the high side. Granted there are tooling costs which need to amortized into this for each part also.I did a small breakdown of what might go into a freight car like this below based on how things are done where I work.

Design costs: Amortized over the projected sales life of the product. This is generaly accounted as a sunk cost to the company but is figured into the cost of the product in the markup multiplier.
Tooling cost: Amortized over the life of the tool or the projected sales of the product. Tooling can be one of the most significant costs in the manufacture of parts. There is no magic bullet for making tools. Tools are machined by skilled machinists using mills and cutters. Most cavities are EDM burned but the shear amount of work is what costs so much for these tools. Each part requires a mold block to be made and generaly they are at least two cavity molds. For the last few years tooling made in China was real cheap compared to here in the states. Usually what offset the difference was the rework after test shooting the mold. lately though, the tooling costs overseas has gone up considerably. The skill level to make these parts has finaly caught up with the chinese and the skilled workers are demanding more wages. This has come to our attention in our plant and we have actually brought parts back in house that we were once sourcing overseas as we can do the work cheaper here than they can now. :)

material costs. Everything that goes into making the part.

Assembly (build, paint, letter)This is a wage/benefit cost. In th plant where I work the average wage is $18.00/hr. The cost or labor and burden rate is closer to $50.00/hr. This is the cost to have someone in the plant working. This includes such things as wages, insurance, heat, lights, building maint, vacations, holidays. I don't know what the wages are in china these days but I know that they are not what most people think they are. (pennies/Hr)
Advertising: Another cost that has to be figured in. Web sites, magazine ads, Trade shows, etc are all costs that get applied to the final costs of a product.

Inventory, distribution, delivery: It costs money to inventory parts. All of the money spent to make the product to put into a wharehouse for shiments has to come frome somewhere. Hopefully the business is solvent enough to shoulder that burden. If not money has to be borrowed which has a cost associated with it. It also cost upfront money to get the parts here(USA). This also gets figured into the cost of the product.

Wages: The folks at Horrizon want to get paid too. Everyone from the co. president down to the people who ship the goods and everyone in between fall into this catagory.

Building costs: Warehouse and offices cost money. Taxes need to be paid, mortgages and maintenance costs are also figured in as a burden that needs to amortized against the product.

There are several other costs associated that I may have skipped over but for the most part these are the big ones. Not knowing the details of each of these I can't accuratly figure the gross cost to make one of these cars. I do know this though. They do not sell these things for cost. There is usually a markup to get to the MSRP. figuring for a 4x markup, that would put it at $12.25 for costs. Not too far off of what it might cost to make that car here in the states provided we could get a good Pcs/hr rate from the workers.

Something to think about when we complain about the costs for these toys we play with. A while back there was an article about the profit margin that Ford makes on the Lincoln Navigator. The number was an astonishing 70%. since this vehicle is based on the ford truck chassis one can see that since the truck has less parts than a SUV there has to be some considerable profit margin in them as well. Take this one step further and figure this across all big three auto makers...

Oh, and yes, I think $49.00 is a bit over the top
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nothing is priced on the basis of what it costs to make. Nothing. Price is purely determined by how much folks will pay for it. Athearn products are highly discounted, like cars. Did you ever pay window price on a car?
Other importers' prices are rising noticeably, too. Have you priced out the coming steamers' MSRP's? Steamer prices have gone up about 20% in the last five years, and they're still under the influence of afterburners.
Boy am I glad I got onto this hobby way back when.
(back when dirt was still a rock)
Can't imagine a kid starting out from nothing and building up a collection and a layout!
For me, Ill be purchasing more 2nd hand items. I think we all will. That's probably the silver lining here--that our collections that we've all accrued over the years will be worth more than anticipated and that some of us will actually have to become modelers instead of unpackers of RTR items. :)

Just for Athearn, Walthers, etc price-point, I would expect their rolling stock to come out of the box and be near flawless. We all know, that's hardly the case. Instead we are left with replacing crappy McHenry couplers, warped/popping out Celeron handrails, and short-lived bulbs on Athearn and numerous other QC problems/issues that have been around for years.

So, Im making the decision to do the only thing I know how to given the situation...speaking with my wallet. I didnt think that a Intermountain Cylindrical Hopper at $30 was a good deal, but compared to $49 with Kadees and IM wheels out of the box, it's looking pretty good...for now. Itll be good to build Accurail kits, scratchbuild a bit, and actually do some modeling.

I wish Athearn and all the manufacturers well. After all, I firmly believe to have a healthy hobby, you have to have robust, profitable manfacturers putting out new and interesting products. But for now, I will remain on the sidelines of the new, RTR releases.
With Athearn's prices going up and their quality control becoming almost laughable I stopped buying stuff from them. The only Athearn items I get now are things other modelers send me and the odd item I find on Ebay.
I'm just like the rest of you, I'll speak with my wallet. No way a new person can start out in this hobby without a huge wallet these days and get some half way decent engines and rolling stock new. One of the reasons I like our Buy/Sell sections.
I'm just like the rest of you, I'll speak with my wallet. No way a new person can start out in this hobby without a huge wallet these days and get some half way decent engines and rolling stock new. One of the reasons I like our Buy/Sell sections.

I agree with you 100% and you know that the $50 2 bay hopper costs horizon less then $10 after all is said and done and it arrives at their warehouse! I would hope that by this 4th or 5th run the tooling costs have been recovered and if not then they are doing something wrong. I can bet you that Horizon looks at other manufacturers like BLMA, Tangent, Exactrail, Etc and says if they can sell cars for $40 - $50 MSRP then so can we! I see this being a townward spiral if things continue this way with the economic problems facing many people. But we will have to watch and see what happens in the future.
If this pricing continues I wonder what is next. Prices so high nobody buys? Maybe at that point a lease program like for a new car. Put a few bucks down and lease a new loco for $5 per month for 24 months. When the lease is up you either buy it for 1/2 its original price, convert the lease to a new loco, or just walk away altogether. LOL
Can't imagine a kid starting out from nothing and building up a collection and a layout!

No kidding! I got as much equipment as I have in large part due to the friends and relations cleaning out their attics and garages. Their generosity has left me with quite a collection. :)

Many kids (myself included) get their first taste of model trains at local model train shows. However, Mom and Dad see the price tags on the new equipment and decide that $$$$ is too much to pay for an "electric train set". They look at the used equipment tables, and see them packed with broken trains, cars with different couplers, etc. Maybe they pull Grandpa's old trains out of the attic, and decide to get rid of them. If the trains are lucky, they'll be given to another model railroader, but may end up in the trash can. More trains for us (sometimes), but no new members in our hobby to share them with. Can you say "death spiral"?

This is why I make it a point to share my model railroad experience with anyone else who wants it. I am the volunteer caretaker for the HO layout at the Children's Museum, and I help a friend with occasional model train maintenance at a local history museum.

I rarely buy new equipment. I absolutely love digging through the bargain/ junk bins and seeing what I can build out of other people's cast-offs. This skill could prove to be very handy in getting new people introduced to the hobby. Offer to inspect a used locomotive they are thinking about buying to make sure they are getting a good deal. Better yet, keep some tuned-up Athearn BB's on hand as gifts for the young 'uns.

Maybe I'll make a set of Youtube video tutorials on how to differentiate various types of model railroad equipment, and how to go about basic procedures such as changing couplers, mounting coupler boxes, repainting, etc.

In any case, let's be good "ambassadors of the hobby". Yes, Bobby 6th grader really likes those brand new Athearn cabooses, but all he can afford is Tyco equipment from the bottom of the junk bin at the local train show. Don't criticize him and tell him to "get a real job". Teach him how to upgrade the wheels, add windows, lighting, change the couplers, etc. He'll learn a lot more, and will probably enjoy the hobby more than if he had saved up to buy that Athearn and plopped it on the track. Plus, now that he is enjoying the hobby with someone, how much more likely is it now that he will pass his love for the hobby along?

Remember, "Model Railroading is Fun". ;)

P.S. I frequently hear people wishing that they still sold car and locomotive kits. Guess what, they still do! Just look in the bottom of the junk bins! They don't always have all of their parts and details, but don't we usually change those out anyway?:)
If I'm gonna pay $50 for a single car then I might as well buy a brand that's known for quality and detail. Athearn was once the affordable alternative to most of the more expensive manufacturers. Now they are as high as Exactrail, Walthers, Kadee and all the other high end dealers.

Now if only the quality reflected the increased prices. They could at least put metal couplers on their cars. The first thing I've always done with Athearn cars is replace the McHenry couplers.

I do wish that there were still more companies that sold kits like Accurail or the old Athearn BB and Roundhouse kits. I actually enjoy assembling the models, after all the hobby is called "model" railroading. The only thing I get to model anymore is the scenery and buildings.

It's definitely time for a trip to the swap meet coming up soon to pick up some used cars before they also go up in value.
The dollar is now strong against the Euro as mentioned. SO the oil barons who wanted to change the cost of oil to be based on the Euro would have fallen flat on their faces!

Everything is skyrocketing...including food!!!

When an economy falters inflation sets in. The unfortunate thig is they assess such things on : housing starts, auto purchasings, Durable white goods {refers, washers etc.}. They say we have no inflation now. that is a bunch of meadow muffins left by the milking cows!

They need to base it on a gallon of milk, aloaf or bread, a pound of hamburger and such, then they would see the inflation!

The only thing we can do is NOT BUY the Expensive goods!!! That will show them! But if you really really really want something, you will pay for it, and they know that.

It also is the fact that with fewer units sold, the lower their profits, and they raise prices to INCREASE profits!!!

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