SCARM - Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller

Here are the SCARM railroad blog posts for September.

See also the recently posted Faller Buildings and Structures for SCARM in HO scale, ready to be used in your layout projects.


SCARM can run natively on Windows and with Wine can also be used in Linux and on Mac platforms, but there is no option for Chromebook.


Hate to be an annoyance but, I am having problems with using LAYERS and need some advice/help. What I am trying to do is include on a track plan a "hidden area" that will act as reverse loop and staging area. I have placed that "loop" in it's own layer however, it still shows up "flat" (like it is apart of the main layout) when in the 3D view.

How do I make a layer show up as it will in real life, ie: beneath the main layout? Hope this makes sense.
Hi Tony,

In general, if you want to have invisible tracks in 3D, you need to mark all them as tunnels, so terrain will cover them. You will also need to set properly the heights of the tracks. Read more here: How To Create Tunnel Under The Base Level. At the moment, layers visibility acts only in 2D mode.

Hi Tony, I just down loaded the newest version of SCRAM to try and recreate my HO layout as I now have it planned out. There are/were several changes made from my original drawing to what I now have down and have more in mind that I'm considering as I go along.

I'd like to stay in touch as I'm not sure if I can get the hang of the program or not as I had some difficulty with in using the prior version and it would be good to hear your input if you don't mind. Mixy is great to answer everyone back though, it must be quite a load for him though?

So let me know if this agreeable with you and also where I might be able to see what you've done so far in designing your layout?

I imagine we could either talk/meet here or at the coffee shop which might be as good a place?

Talk with you later,


I am more than happy to help you with SCARM as much as I can and within my experience of using it. Let me know what you are having problems with and I will talk you through if I can.
Say Tony: Thanks, that's really appreciated. Some times it helps to talk to someone else in trying to understand where we are going wrong.
SCARM must use some base reference and language with which I'm unfamiliar. I'm trying to do a series of modules that complete an around the wall layout, yet I cannot figure out how this program denotes the module top! Drawing track has got to be esoteric if the module limits are so difficult to do.
I'm just getting into SCARM. The catalog lists Kato curved sections by part number; is there a way to tell what the radius is for each number?

Oh crap!
I have a track plan that I have been working on in the file but when I open the file and click on the plan a screen comes up and says file cannot be found,is there a way of getting it back.I do have a copy in my documents.
I'm just getting into SCARM. The catalog lists Kato curved sections by part number; is there a way to tell what the radius is for each number?

SCARM shows the curved KATO tracks in the Tracks selection panel as i.e. "R282-15" where "282" is the radius in mm and "15" is the angle in degrees. Same info is displayed when you hover the track button with the mouse, together with the part number. In the Parts list, all these details are shown.

I have a track plan that I have been working on in the file but when I open the file and click on the plan a screen comes up and says file cannot be found,is there a way of getting it back.I do have a copy in my documents.

You are probably talking about the list with last opened projects in the File menu. If the program says, that the file cannot be found, that file is moved, renamed or deleted by you or someone else, using that PC. Try to search for your file by its name in Windows Explorer - if it is moved, Windows should be able to find it.

