Running Bear's February 2024 Coffee Shop

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Sad, but true!

Afternoon All,

Today it's cold, dark and raining and it's supposed to continue through tomorrow night. Today is Dad's 91st birthday 🎂. In the train room I finished up Wileys Waterproofing. I ended up making a couple minor changes to the kit. It's sitting on the layout in it's general area but it won't be finalized until I build the FOS McCauleys kit. They will sit next to each other on the layout.

Chad- Growing up we ate Dad's version of chili which is a soup. Shudder.

Jaz- Nice shots of the good boys and girls on your layout.

Mikey- That is wonderful news. I am very happy for you.

Toot- I'm very glad you are doing OK after all that surgery.

David- Nice layout shots.

Swal- Unfortunately dumb people are everywhere and multiplying.

Mac- No thank you. The ground is white.

TomO- Glad you had fun at the operating session. That looks like a well-used GP-38.

Willie- Great looking progress.






I hope everyone has a good night.



That's all I use to make my version of chili! My Grandson loves it on hotdogs. Only his Nagyi (Hungarian for Grandma) makes better chili. But my version is faster.

Nagyi's version is homemade starting with dry beans. She browns and drains ground beef and ground pork. As she cooks fresh diced tomatoes, chopped onion, minced garlic, diced jalapenos, hot Hungarian paprika, crushed red pepper, black pepper and a little salt. At least I think that is all she uses. It takes a long time to cook, but it's the best!
Good Morning!

25F out there, so unless we get hit soon, we will have missed out on winter. I'm loosing muscle tissue for lack of snow-shovelling, and I'm wondering if the local native population would know any good snow dances.
When I was a young lad, I actually used snowshoes to get around in the forest. I still have the 1971 L.L.Bean catalogue that I ordered a pair through. The money for them was saved up from a part-time gas pumping job.
Here's the pair I ordered, from that very catalogue:
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I did all the chores yesterday, just so I could free up today. I'm going to work on that truss bridge that I set aside about one year ago. If I work at it, there probably only a couple more days of building, before paint. In time, I hope drive in the last spike on my layout, and join the tracks.

Toot - I like the BNSF cream-n-green scheme.
Troy - Can't say I've ever considered the kerchunking of a typewriter. Suppose I've learned something today.
TomO - Wonderful weathering on the covered hopper. Well done, indeed!
Willie - Those stone pillars look very nice. They remind me of the stone wall my father built.

Here's a couple of railway photos that still bother me. I took a series of these photos down at the local staging yard.
I didn't know it at the time, but, my cheap camera auto-focus was acting up. By the time I figured it out, and went back to retake the photos, the engine had disappeared. I'm still angry at myself for missing another chance to photograph this oddity.
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Oh well! Maybe one day it will come back into town.

That's all I have today. Have a good one!
It is a short line and this is a leased locomotive GMTX and is a GP 38-2 (as stated in several internet posts)
Well done Jaz. If you weren’t across the water I’d send my little people and animals for you to work on. Very nice work…
Because I do figure drawing and painting I learn the large brush strokes down to the fine ones, I have a slight advantage some figures are 00 1:76 and some = your smaller ho 1:87 the main thing is have a painting tool that holds a small amount of paint to minimise blurring, preferable stiff not bendable.

I also carefully evaluate which angle shows them to their best advantage
some have full face (rare) some have nice profiles, sone are best angle away as the face contours are just so poor

bought metal, not my wire ones


I paint the white bits eg the mouth then the brown as the white will not easily stay in place and therefore spreads beyond its area, so the brown removes the poor white placement, so the white is not good painting,the brown is correcting


extra white ffor muzzle placement or correcting paws, belly etc
finally black and if necessary corrective work

hope this helps
Good Morning, folks!

16F under the cloudless blue sky, and it's doing nothing more than warming up.

I must be getting old. It seems like I'm forgetting words. A conversation with others is getting harder to carry on intelligently. Oddly, there's been no change in conversations with myself or my dog.

Today, I hope to be working on my little Class 3 station. It's still an entirely experimental process. Building the walls out of balsa and stuccoing with a mud (forget the name of it).

Just for the sake of a photo, here's a repost. This GP38-2w is the oldest locomotive I've photographed in town, since taking a liking to the rails in 2020:
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Here's another repost, of the local rail bridge crossing the McLeod River. Hard to believe someone would climb to the top beams with a spray-can, but, maybe they feel like a Spiderman hero doing it. Suppose I'd be happier if they fell and got washed down into Hudson's Bay.
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Ray - Glad to hear you are up-n-around!
Kriegsblok - You have way more snow than here in the northwest. Please keep it there.
David - Very nice layout photos!
Jaz - Nice looking dogs, but I believe they are the Queens Corgi's and not hunting hounds. To much fur for hounds.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
You are thinking short haired we favour long haired, you tend to have working dogs we tend to gave decorative lazy sit at home dofs
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That's all I use to make my version of chili! My Grandson loves it on hotdogs. Only his Nagyi (Hungarian for Grandma) makes better chili. But my version is faster.

Nagyi's version is homemade starting with dry beans. She browns and drains ground beef and ground pork. As she cooks fresh diced tomatoes, chopped onion, minced garlic, diced jalapenos, hot Hungarian paprika, crushed red pepper, black pepper and a little salt. At least I think that is all she uses. It takes a long time to cook, but it's the best!
You’re making quick goulash, paprika in a chilli! Still it’s the Hungarian influence, I get it lol.

left is cheap Chinese figures as bought, I did several of each figure to the right I tried a dark base colour, this offers shadows to any areas you miss, a popular step with people who specialise in painting figures, I painted the poor hair area, and darkened skin


then I relight the faces, usually I paint hands last or first then correct as required
to the far left I tried a different approach right was leathers so a slick black, left is denim faded
as these were punks I used a model glue (waves from my water modelling ) making spikes

the black leather got a studied theme, the denim a faded look, as I photograph from a safe distance an obvious highlighting is ok although far right the highlight is a gentler effect, it just all depends how much white I add and mix in to the vase colour

I painted braces and was too lazy to refine, I drew the fatten with a paintbrush initially but a felt. Tip would work, none of the faces had good detailing so I went for dark eye sockets as I know I can get away with this, the t shirt left was a trial that frankly worked out darn better than expected a fine pointed hand writing pen on a white painted face not quite dry (did the pen no favours tho)

the sloppy dress code works well with the poor modelled kegs looks like sloppy jeans
photographed cliff but from back avoiding faces


and face forward but further back where in a real picture you would not get eye detail so coloured eye sockets work just fine
placing them at the correct distance is the real trick
Good Morning!
Only 5F out there this fine morning.

The wife is pissed! She don't get the hockey games she wants to watch on our satellite TV, and wants me to cancel the service today. I even paid to hook-up a 16 channel set of dedicated NHL channels for her viewing pleasure, but, she don't seem to get the Oilers games. It's not the satellite company's fault. The NHL controls what games are televised on what channels. And the Oilers always seem to be on the other set of NHL channels.
So, we are going to wind up with no TV, or at least it's back to rabbit ears. - I don't care less either way. The loss of TV will propel me into more modelling to keep busy.

I ended the robocalls by putting the call block feature on my cell phone. It's a free service offered by my cell provider, and it works.

Some of you might remember I started this scratch-build 3rd class depot awhile back. I pulled it out again, and suppose I'll get back to working on it.
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Now that there won't be a TV, I guess I'll have lots of time to build it!
I have a sneaky plan in my head on how this building will be finished, yet untested in modelling history. Might be success, or catastrophic failure.

I gotta go! See ya'll later!
What kind of materials do you use? I mean don't you worry the wood sheets are to thin?
I plan to build our RR station and wonder how to make it, either from wood sheet or polystyreen. It is a brick building so I have to make an inner body and attach the brick sheet to that "body". This way there is less change for warping I hope.
Your sheets seem rather thin, but might be good.
Have you ever tried laser method?
Good Morning All. Partly cloudy and 56° out on the porch this morning. The NWS has backed off it's high prediction for today to just 64°, with the severe wind shift out of the north coming soon after noon. Cold tonight through noon Sunday, then a return to somewhat normal conditions. High Wednesday is forecast to be 81°. No rain in the next ten days if the weather geeks are to be trusted.

Yesterday's weekly grocery trek went well, with added stops for gas, over to the Vitamin Shop, Home Depot, Schlotzy's, Sam's Club and the pharmacy. A full trip. Gasoline is continuing to go up, the cheap places last week have caught up to the expensive ones. No place has dared to breach the $3/gallon level yet, but all are right there. Sam's Club - the eyeglass person fixed my reading glasses without a hitch in under 10 minutes and she brought them over to me as I was having my hearing aids serviced. That was an ordeal. He put new speakers and retainers in easily, but was unsuccessful in loading the updated app on my phone. So now I have no phone control over volume or filters. I can still use buttons on the hearing aids themselves, but it isn't as easy. I now have to schedule another appointment while giving him time to research the issue.
I am now officially back to the living with Prudential Retirement, they don't know who or why I was considered deceased, but the gentleman fixed it.

I've only had one MRI, but I was told what to expect ahead of time, so I brought my own CD of Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" with me to listen to. I tend to be claustrophobic, but I just closed my eyes before going in and didn't open them until I was back out. I did wonder (and still do), how they got those large football players into that machine, as I barely fit!

I did get out to the train shed yesterday for a bit after hoeing my onion plants in the garden. Slow progress in the cemetery as I continued with ground cover and started with the parking area out front.
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I should finish the parking area next and start positioning the headstones.

Bill - It looks like a lot of that interlocking in Griffith Indiana is still in existence. I can't tell how much is still in use, but most all of what's still there looks to be well maintained.
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It does seem that the SE to NW Erie track has been removed, but it does continue out of the picture in the bottom center.

Everyone have a fantastic Friday, and a great three day weekend in the US.
I do love "ghost" RR's. The line from the North west corner (near the D=delicious) (vanished) ran "across the diamond" to the P = Parking lot.
it is indicated as Erie Lackawanna Trail. It is NOT the "new" rr line to the east! (see Google earth) VERY NICE!
You are thinking short haired we favour long haired, you tend to have working dogs we tend to gave decorative lazy sit at home dofs
Our short haired Border is just that, a stay at home goof ball. She will run and play with her sister, but the only things she herds are dog biscuits, and the occasional grandchild. She is a great,, albeit a bit large, lapdog.
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