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  1. Selector

    Voltage issue

    In my opinion, a $10 digital meter is all you need. You're not looking for voltage spikes so much as amperage draw. It's the voltage's capacity to carry amperage that makes electrical power dangerous. It isn't voltage that will kill's amperage. Similarly, voltage won't damage...
  2. Selector

    What Others Think You Should Model

    I have the same item, same information on the face plate. 15V AC output. Mine is for the Super Empire Builder. Or, as I like to call it, Da Klunk.
  3. Selector

    What Others Think You Should Model

    I suspect that people who act that way are seeking affirmation for their choices. In that sense, they are somewhat insecure in the hobby. It gives them power if they can persuade people to behave in the hobby as they do. Attention-seekers.
  4. Selector

    Power to idle locomotives on the layout

    You only need to cut one of the wires and insert a toggle in series. If the toggle is in the off position, there is no continuity, and the decoders won't be getting any power through them.
  5. Selector

    Curve Turnout Radius

    I googled the question and one of the hits was from a well-known retailer, Tony's Trains. Note that I, personally, would NOT call these 'gentle' curves. They may have been yesteryear with smaller layouts and earlier rolling stock, but these days, with more realism, the importers specify...
  6. Selector

    Which Digitrax System

    Agreed, the Zephyr, but keep an eye on future needs. Pretty much every one of us can force ourselves to go slow, to not go big too soon. But, we almost all get there in time. Meaning, while you have a very modest holding at present, by 2028 you'll have eight diesels, some of them consisted...
  7. Selector

    Beginner's tunnel portal question

    Agreed. Anything you craft that is not purchased ready-built for that purpose, and that serves a recognizable function on a scale model, is 'scratch-built'.
  8. Selector

    Beginner's tunnel portal question

    This, unfortunately, is an instance where you MUST mock it up and do trials. Trains trailing behave differently from trains shoving, both in the prototype and on our scale tracks. Different engines and cars have different gauge loadings that the prototype can fudge with engineering and wide...
  9. Selector

    The Blackwing and Western is coming back to life

    Wow, look at all them handlaid turnouts!! :p I use the same system and have used several of them on consecutive layouts. They are durable and work really well if built to the correct tolerances. In fact, I have built custom turnouts on each of the last two layouts, critical ones meant for a...
  10. Selector

    Layout Design Help!?!

    I prefer around-the-room because I'm always looking at scenery behind the tracks. I paint a backdrop, then build the benchwork to suit the track plan, anchor it to the wall studs, and then build the right-of-way on risers. It affords me what I like, and that is to watch trains run around me...
  11. Selector

    Under the lake

    Any plaster will work, even wall patching compound if you have some lying around and you'd love to put it to use. Just make darned good'n sure there are no pinholes or gaps once it dries...which gypsum-based compounds are wont to do. One way to help to seal it if there are very tiny holes is...
  12. Selector

    Layout Design Help!?!

    It depends on your girth, or butt size if that helps. Most older male adults would be happy with about 28", give or take a coupla inches. Even so, you'll often back into the other side. I would advise using screws here and there into studs to keep the whole from budging. When you back into...
  13. Selector

    HO Curves

    This is an unanswerable question as it stands. We don't know the room you have for a layout, what track configuration you're using, what your rolling stock is, what your minimum radius is for the most restrictive item in your rolling stock, what gauge loading you'll need (you can look that up)...
  14. Selector

    What If,...Designing a New Steam Locomotive Product??

    If there is a grade there, it is a typical gradual railway slope. Maybe 1.6%, but it's hard to tell since the video doesn't show much of the first loop's start..
  15. Selector


    I don't have any. That's my self-imposed penalty for crappy track-laying. It forces me to contend practically with poor trackage. I think most of us decide to have one inside any hidden trackage and staging. At the exits to a helix, for example, at the yard throat...
  16. Selector

    What If,...Designing a New Steam Locomotive Product??

    In order to ensure better contact with the rails, I would make both the locomotive and the tender considerably heavier. Tenders, particularly, need more weight. In order to accomplish this amazing feat of engineering, all we'd have to do is to use tungsten-carbide steel. It would add to the...
  17. Selector

    DCC on DC

    Modern decoders since about 2005 have all been 'dual mode' so that they could claim that they comply with NMRA specifications for DCC. As long as they are in factory default settings, or if the owner has ensured CV29 is in the correct setting (usually a value of 34), the decoder will switch its...
  18. Selector

    Ballast Options

    Playground sand is not very costly, and you can always use the other 90% of what comes in the store-bought 40 pound bag for leveling pavers or something else. It's what I use, screened to get the right size of ballast grains for my scale. Or, I have used local beach sand.
  19. Selector

    Small Layouts

    We can't/shouldn't answer this for you. This hobby, like all hobbies, is intensely emotional and personal, and is intended to help YOU to discover what you need from it and what your evolution in it is to be. Nothing we do in our hobby is cast in concrete; it can always be undone, done...
  20. Selector

    Loco Brand Performance

    Honestly, every time I introduce a new locomotive to the layout, diesel or steam makes no difference, the newcomer finds a small section of my trackage that it doesn't like. I have to fiddle with that area, including taking up a whole length of flex one time and re-laying it and ballasting it...
