Wow, one heck of a lot of work...


New model railroader here
Wow, my first layout is not all that complicated or big, but man it's a lot of work. Fun, but there is actually quite a bit of stuff to do in order to get things right and working good. I might have some progress pictures up later this evening...:D
A labor of love! I hear you on the work thing. While I was building and painting my bench work, it felt like a job. My wife made the comment about it looking like a lot of work. It is, but so is gardening. Both endeavors are satisfying to see the end results. The process happens to be therapeutic as well. Let's see those pictures.
I don't remember how long that I ran a 4x8 layout until I had enough modules to put together to have a decent sized layout. It seemed like building the modules was "hurry up and wait". The 4x8 lasted about 2-3 years I think.

And if you look at it as work, you're in the wrong hobby. It's not even a "labor of love". It's more like a journey towards one's imagination and artistic inner self. And it's so much fun when you are finished. Unless, like me, you never finish.

It's more like a journey towards one's imagination and artistic inner self. And it's so much fun when you are finished. Unless, like me, you never finish.


Yeah, I can understand that even in y early stages of this hobby. I didn't really mean it as work, more like working towards like you said "one's imagination". I guess I was really just stating there is a lot of things to do just to get a simple layout up and going. It is definitely fun and I am sure it will be even more fun once the first layout is up and running...:D:D:D
Likewise, I too am in the process of building three layouts actually and can say that it is a lot of work. I definitely bit off more than I can chew but at least I am having a lot of fun in the process. Coming home to screw and glue some wood together, or sling some plaster to playwood sure beats sitting in front of the TV :)
Funny thing about that. Many people think nothing of sitting front of the TV for four or five hours a night and don't think of that as anything but entertainment. I view building a layout as just another form of entertainment although it takes a lot more tools than a beer and a bag of pretzels. :)
I have forgotten what my TV looks like:D Honey... how do you work this thing?!?!
The entire time I have benchwork to complete and track to lay, I cannot sit still... period. And it has become such a great bonding experience with my son, we both love trains.
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Jim, too many beers make for an interesting layout when one sobers up. Unique may be an understatement.

Too many beers also leads to melted body shells and scorched scenery due to the soldering iron being in too close proximity(speaking from experience). I leave the beer to fishing trips. Bluegill bite better with a beer in your hand(again, speaking from experience).

blue92rs, as far as the remote for the TV....I pretend it is a DCC controller. Hit enough buttons, something is bound to happen.

But working on a layout is not work. One sweats when working. The only sweat I have on the layout is when I finish something and try it for the first time. I sweat, hoping it works. I hate troubleshooting and doing things twice. Pet peeve.

Never thought of it as an art form until someone commented on it that way.
I guess plywood is our canvas and we recreate the world as we see it, or would like to see it.
Hmmm.... I smell a government grant! :D
Or you could work on your layout like I do, about 6 to 8 hrs. a day 6 or 7 days a week.
I have always done some kind of art projects over the years & I consider my layout my ultimate pc. of art. It's never ending & the more you do the more you think to do later.
Some things might not look like what you had in your minds eye, but if you keep changing it sooner or later "it" changes to what you originally wanted.
Just Keep on Track--Pun Intended.
Labor of love is exactly it. I have been working on mine for nearly two years. Since it started it went from being a 10X8 to 13X8 to now its a 22X8 L shape. I've ran out of realistate but I can see how it will never be done. There is so many directions you can go and still never be done with it, so who needs tv. Oh yah and the beer is always cold :D
