Wooden Structures Rule!

Wow, very nice! You could have told me it was a larger scale and I'd have never known.
Just waiting for Ron to chime in on the wood kits rule thing! ;)
Wood kits Rule!

Thanks, I wish there were more detailing items though like door hinges and knobs, etc. The kits come with great white metal details like barrels and junk, I just have not added them yet.

The truck is by Classic Metal Works, and these little vehicles really set off a scene, plus the Woodland Scenics fugures are great. This is the checker players set, and comes with the hound dog sleeping which is great.

As I was putting together my layout, I felt something was always missing, (besides a thousand dollars to buy new kits and engines. lol), then it dawned on me that there was no life on my layout, once I started adding figures and vehicles it really came to life. I think George Selios on his Franklin and Manchester said something about that. Also when setting up you scenes, have your vehicles and figures in mid action...in other words have vehicles turning corners or driving, not always parked, and have figures in action scenes, not just satnding. Good stuff.
Very nice job on those Bar Mills kits and you are right, wood structures do rule. At least around my house they do. Have you tried any craftsman style kits yet? They are even more fun to build and the results are great. Here's a few done in HO scale. Keep up the great work, Ron.
Craftsman kits

Thanks. The Bar Mills Stuff is really nice to put together. I actually just found a McCabes Engine Service Facility from Republic Locomotive Works, it was part of the McCabes logging set, who I think is B.T.S. now, in N scale, it is quite a few years old and it has some board by board construction and a lot of detail work, so it will be my first craftsman level kit.

I have been working on a few J.L. Innovative kits, and I have the Somerville Junction coal and water kit by N Scale Architect to work on. I am going all wooden structures on my layout. I would love to do some of the bigger craftsman kits, but they just dont come in N scale yet. I think I am ready to go for it though. I have set up a nice little work area nad I am getting a good collection of paints and techniques.
Great Work! Wood Kits Rule even more.

:cool:Yes, I do hope to someday to have a nice little workshop. Great work and detail. I appreciate the motivation. I especially like the vice and work area inside, plus Wood Kits Rule! the lean to under construction is really cool.. Thanks again.
Wow, Todd, Lundy and Custom that is some great work. That makes me want to stop the DPM builds and get me a wood kit.

Wooden Kits

I really do get a lot of satisfaction out of these building these kits, and I need to get to work on all the metal details. The Bar Mills stuff is great, but I wish they would put out some of their bigger kits in N scale. I am going to build Majestic hardwre next, and I am finishing up the Lunch Stand kit. I have started to redo some of my scenery to fit thes kits.

I was apprehensive to jump into the wooden kits at first, but once I did I am hooked, and did not do as bad a job as I thought I would.

By the way has anyone used the Aging Solutions sold by Model Tech Studios? I am curious about using them. Thanks.
Blair Line's Cash Mine Works is a great kit. I wish I had pics but I'm between digital cameras right now. (A nice way of saying that I burned all my $ on a vacation and can't afford anything beyond Chef Boyardee until early April.)

It looks amazing, it's cut with 100% precision, a real centerpiece. I wish everything came in wood.
Thanks for the tip, I actually do need a mine or industry on my layout. Blair Line seems like a good group. Thanks.
Here are two of my latest efforts, an ice house and a creamery. The ice house (nearest the camera) is from a Branchline kit, while the creamery is scratchbuilt. Although I'll occasionally build structures using styrene, as far as I'm concerned nothing beats wood as a modeling medium.


Great Job. I have been wanting to do an ice house, and it was between this one and the JL Innovative Ice House Kit, there is also the Bar Mills Banks Ice House. I have the walthers Cornerstone Ice House, but it just looks to plastic and plain. Your Ice house is similar to it, but looks so much better in wood. Thanks for the pics. I will have to look into this kit.
