what tools, templates etc do you use to build track?


New Member
Hello All

I really want to build my own track, and was wondering if anyone who listens in builds their own track?

What tools methods do you use

What tools have you tried and did not like?


Aaron :)
You need a properly prepared roadbed, either PCB or wooden ties, and the railstock you decide to use of the appropriate code.

You would want at least one three-point track laying gauge, but it's not strictly necessary; an NMRA multi-gauge works okay. It's just easier with two of the three-point ones.

Scale spikes, and a tool to insert them into the ties if you are using wooden ones.

Soldering iron and supplies for using PCB ties. Probably 30 Watts should do.

A metal flat file, commonly called a bastard file (if there isn't a censor on the software here).

Xuron rail nippers.

Needle files for metals if you are making rails with the PCB ties. They'll each need a gap in the copper cladding between the rails, or else you'll short the system across the expanse of copper between them.

A very handy tool if you are making turnouts is a jeweler's saw. You must gap the frog to prevent a short at the frog point. The thin filamental blade cuts a very thin gap that is close to invisible.

Aaron, for handlaid switches, Fast Tracks is the best choice. Either manufacturer has whet you need for handlaying track, but I like Proto:87's use of wood ties better than Fast Tracks.
