What happened .

Wait, what?
I thought you might have an explanation for what happened with the credit card transaction.

I started check out process and ended up getting an email from PayPal ( don’t have or use ) china king restaurant for exact amount for kato Ho engine . I even received thank you with an order number from slot car union for order . Disputed charge right away , and now waiting for new card . Any thoughts ?
Something tells me you ordered from a dodgy (fake?) site.
Just be glad you get your $$$ back...
Like I said as soon as saw email from PayPal ( resturant ) , I logged into credit card , disputed charge , everything ok from that end . just waiting for new credit cards is only pain .and not getting diesel I wanted but hey lot bigger disappointments ( my 80 year history ) than that , chaulk it up to another lesson learned just gotta have that one no matter what . I’ll survive . Thx for all the input though even though not hobby related .
