Small n scale layout


New Member
Running a 2' by 6' n scale layout. Thinking of moving to computer operation, maybe JMRI.
Mostly KATO locomotives, NCE DCC, KATO turntable, freight yard and passenger stations. That's all I can do with the space I have. Hoping to learn all I can about computer operations before going any further. Looking forward to interacting with the forum.
Thanks for the welcome. Plan to try some Woodland Scenic lighting. My layout is on a counter top raised 4 inches high to allow for underneath wiring. Limiting but you work with what you have. I'll try to post a couple of pictures. migalyto - good luck with your layout.
Likewise - Welcome to the group. Maybe somewhat like you I am also working toward computer/software control of the layout. In my case, it might be a little more in depth. Auto dispatch along with setting up passing on sidings. Ya, pretty convoluted and there is a *ton* of stuff that has to happen just to do what sounds easy.

Hope I am doing this correctly. I have attached 2 photos of my little layout. Notice the 1"x5" board in the foreground. The area under the layout and above the countertop stores all the wiring. ctclibby - you are correct that your plans are much more in depth than I can imagine. But, I hope to learn from others like yourself. Right now I am in the information gathering mode, trying to determine the components I will need to add my computer to the layout. Challenging, but fun. Left.jpgRight.jpg
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