Running Bear's Coffee Shop LXVIII

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Good morning from North Palmetto Point, Eleuthera,Bahamas,...thank you for all the well-wishes...7AM, Saturday September 9' 2017. All is well. Besides losing electric power at 9:00 last night for 2 hours and then again at 11:30PM for the rest of the night no other major problems. Power is still of and I am on generator at the moment. Aside from some beach-erosion there appears to be no other major issues in this area. To the best of my knowledge and from information gleaned from weather stations both local and international we seem to have never gotten any constant winds above 30-35 mph and maybe the very odd gust up to 40 mph. We dodged a huge bullet yet again and this was basically a non-event for Central Eleuthera at least.
Well, I guess the people of Nova Scotia are glad you're where you are instead of Montreal, they would have really wondered what was happening to the world.:confused:
Howdy ...

We returned home late last night, and I have a lot of stuff to catch up on. I'll read your recent posts later in the day.

Guten Morgen zusammen. 59° und klar sonnigen Himmel heute. Ich habe Deutsch in der Schule studiert, aber ich erinnere mich nicht viel.
Whoa! It seems like we somehow woke up in Germany here! Well, today is the big day, it is our actual 45th anniversary. Interesting in the fact that our wedding day was also a Saturday, September 9. 1972. "Alone Again (Naturally)" by Gilbert O'Sullivan was the number 1 song on that day, "Stairway to Heaven" was just beginning to descend the charts.
Made some good progress in the train shed yesterday on scenery. Ran some trains which took some time, as I switched eight industries in two towns with an "out and back" local. I know that there is another term for that kind of run but I can't remember it. Good run, no maintenance issues, no derailments, only spider webs to clean off some cars upon completion.

Gene - Good to hear that you made it through OK. Amazing how a few miles can make so much difference.
Greg - Safe is another thing that was mentioned, as looters never look in the dishwasher.
Curt, Phil and others - Looks like the hurricane is going up the Gulf Coast instead of the Atlantic side. Probably doesn't make much difference for you guys, it's going to be the same regardless except for the wind direction. Remain safe and dry and we're praying for all residents of the state.
Randy - That's a great video.

Everybody have a great day.

Willie: Happy Anniversary. 45 years? Where did the time go, eh? You and the missus enjoy your day.
Good Morning Everyone.

64 degrees headed for about 90 with overcast at 300 feet (fog) that will last for a couple more hours.
Still don't like what they did to Weather Underground!

Gene -- Glad that you dodged that one. Looking at where you live doesn't look like much to stop a "big blow", Interesting!

Willie -- Congrats to you and the misses !! That's a real milestone!
WILLIE- Congrats to you and the bride. She must be an angel.

This waiting for the witch is the worst. Going to be a mental strain. Brings back memories of Andrew. We have water, ice and food.
Anyone have an idea why the freezer leaks a bit of water at the left front??? Door is tight.
Prayers for all,
PHIL - Need more information? Is it an upright or chest, or part of a refrigerator?

It could be that the drain from the evaporator coil to the pan is plugged, or could be just excessive humidity.

I am pretty sure that my Cousin Ted has spent his 76 years NOT making a headline in the NYT! I am pretty sure that he had just as well NOT made it at this time!

He wound up in Houston hospital for surgery on Tuesday, and is being transported back to hospital in Beaumont sometime today.
His journey through the flood waters have been another story - took two days of attempted tries to get him to Houston and today will mark the second attempt to get him back. Thank goodness there are lots of family members to help him and his wife!

Good news on the home front -- I am Cancer free (unless it returns in the future)
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Afternoon All,

Spent some time cutting out the "concrete" flooring and test fitting. I also worked up an order for NESL, but I sent them a email with a question that needs answered before I place an order.

Well the storm appears to continue moving slightly to the left side of the state (1-75 corridor). That's about 45 minutes drive time from me. This will be it for me until probably Tuesday on the other side of the storm. Thank you all for your well wishes for Phil and myself.

Willie- Happy Anniversary to you and the saint that puts up with you. Good memory also.

Sherrel- That is awesome news.


I hope everyone has a good night.
In case nobody noticed among all the chaos and confusion, today is Curt's birthday.
Have a happy one.
CURT- Mea Culpa! I forgot. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Is it ten lashes or a keel-hauling as my punishment???

SHERREL- Great news re the big C. Thanks for the input re the water leak.

In case nobody noticed among all the chaos and confusion, today is Curt's birthday.
Have a happy one.

Noticed that first thing this morning and still seemed to forget to comment - just hand me the rope when you are finished with PHIL!

Curt. ... Happy birthday. September birthdays are the best.

Willie .... Happy anniversary. September anniversaries are the best.

Sherrel ... great news about your bein cancer free !
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