railroad-line forum?


Active Member
What's happening at railroad-line forum?

Can't open it. Message said cannot open website. Are they down?
The forum has been down since Saturday morning. Funny, the last thread I posted on was from someone mentioning that the forum was running slow. It wasn't for me, but shortly afterwards it wasn't running at all. The forum used to be hosted on the same system as the Atlas one, and when one was down, so was the other. Not this time, as the Atlas one has continued running OK. Just have to wait and see, and keep on trying.
I found a way into Atlas' site. It may also work for Railroad-line. Go to Google. Type in Atlas Railroad. When their name comes up click on "Forums". You're in.
You can still access the forum. Kind of pointless for me though, seeing as they have a problem with their registration system... Not to drag this off topic but has anyone else had problems registering over there? It keeps saying it sent the email but I certainly never received it..
The Atlas forum has worked for me all along, early Monday morning the Railroad-Line Forum is still down while Atlas one works. I suspect it may be a server problem, they had to wait until the weekend was over to be able to repair. Hope so!
Neither the Atlas (direct access), or the Railroad-Line sites are working yet for me. Now I can't access the Bachmann site either. Must be the the railroad gremlins.
It probably imploded under it's own weight. LOL

I don't even bother going there anymore, to many self appointed "Know-it-alls". Seems if you don't agree with the views of the owners, they give you a real hard time both in the forums and in private mail.
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All the sites seem to be OK now. Maybe it is just my IP but the internet in general also seems slow today.
I like to check out different forums. You never know what you will find. All the forums have interesting topics going on. I am interested in talking trains, someone else can play censor or go on a power trip if they want to.
Old thread. I registered at the site .. never got the email .. not in my spam folder .. it won't let me register again because it says the username exists .. and you can't send email to the admin if you aren't logged in!! Geeze.
I had the same problem and never did get registered there. I check all my folders for a week and nothing showed up. Something is flumoxed with their registration system.
I had the same problem and never did get registered there. I check all my folders for a week and nothing showed up. Something is flumoxed with their registration system.

Would be nice if someone who IS registered there would send a msg to one of the admin types about it. Unless they just don't care.
