Need Some Advice

Should i get these cars

They have more ( they cost about $27 each) they are con-cor new
i really want to model modern VIA rail and CN, are they worth it
When you ask "are they worth it?" you are asking a question that only you can answer. The real question is: Are they worth it to YOU?

I do not model passenger service or Canadian railroads, so they are not worth it to ME. I would not pay a penny for them, no matter their quality. On the other hand, if they fit in with your model railroad and you can afford them, then they might be worth it to YOU.

A different question you might ask is: Are they good quality? I've never seen these models, so I can't help you, but perhaps someone else will have first-hand experience and can offer an opinion.

- Jeff
Concor's N gauge equipment has been pretty good, quality is ok and paint has been decent. So, if you're worried about the cars themselves and how well they will run, that is not a problem, they should be fine.

As the previous post indicates, the first question is the one that only you can answer. So, the next question is, what era are you modeling and if it's today, can you repaint the cars? If you are modeling 20 years ago, perhaps nothing needs to be done to the cars. Only you can decide that. The rest of us can only offer opinions. Good luck with whatever you decide.
I seem to remember the con-cor cars being okay and I think they'll run on a pretty tight radius too.
I have some Walthers cars that have a little more detail and interiors but are finicky on curves.
My Rapido cars are down right cantankerous on curves or imperfections.
Where are you getting the cars, sounds like Toad Hall?
I had 3 Rapido coaches a few years ago from an early production run I believe. Wouldn't roll much more than a car length with a good push and the pits and imperfections in the wheel treads were visible to the naked eye. Must have improved since 'cause they're still in business.
