My fully monochrome layout called 'Brief Encounter'

This is my fully monochrome exhibition layout, 'BRIEF ENCOUNTER, based on the iconic British film directed by David Lean and set around a chance romantic meeting at a railway station. I really wanted to recreate that vintage black and white film effect - to do that I ended up using 32 shades of grey! In my video I also show the layout at build stage and some of the problems and solutions I had to overcome along the way, including how to feature as many well known aspects and scenes from the film as I could. The layout is 11ft x 2ft and includes a fully-working 1940s cinema playing the film. I also share some fascinating facts about the making of the film. I hope you get my quirky humour

Very interesting indeed, even if we yanks are unfamiliar with many of the references and materials. Quite the artist!

According to the available information the world really was in 256 shades of grey. Not sure how my parents made the transition but they did survive the transition from being grey to what we now think of as fleshy, mimicking the painters of old.

Clever! Thank you!
