MONTHLY-Photo-Fun!-Sept '16

Some great stuff here this month. I am enjoying seeing your photos and work!

I have gotten a bit more done on the old fashioned wooden fence for the pasture near Milo Mills on the layout. Just a bit of an update from earlier...

This whole pasture is long and narrow as it makes use of the land the RR didn't take from the farm....

That really looks good. I'm going to have to spend some time figuring out how to create better scenery myself. I've mostly been focused on painting/decaling locos and such, and on actually getting track laid, and my scenery has all remained pretty darn basic. I'd really like to fix that at some point, and since I'm pausing track construction for a while it might be a good time. Again, nice work.
Gee.... Three days and no posts. Guess I will try to get it started again...

I have gotten a bit of time to work on the pasture near Milo Mills on the layout. Last week it looked like this:


The area is now almost finished. Cows are now grazing in the pasture (need a couple more sets to complete it) and more trees and bushes have magically appeared.



I have also removed the newspaper and tape protecting the tracks behind the pasture now.



Fence still is not quite finished where the gate will be crossing the tracks...

I'll finish out the month by posting two pictures that I took on the home layout tour two years ago. We all have messy workbenches, but this gentleman's bench deserved to be photographed. I will not embarrass him by posting his name. It is a two-sided bench.
train show 013.001.JPGtrain show 014.001.JPG
The track down the center actually fed off his multi-level layout which had elevators behind the backdrop to change heights.

Here's my work bench. Guess I ain't doin' diddly squat.


Actually I do have a couple of projects going but they are up in the cabinets above. The powers to be hinted that the bench will not get cluttered up with "junk" like it used to be.
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Great stuff guys! So pretty good of me starting a thread then not posting, eh?
Here's the start of my oilseed plant based on the Walthers Redwing Milling kit that I picked up at the last train show.
The far side will have a double track unloading shed while this side will be tankcar loading.
Lots of details and weathering to go yet.

