Is my math right? (scaling)


I'm planning on doing scalescene's free kits. Apparently, it's a British company (I'm fairly certain it wasn't a while back). Now if I like the kits and want to buy some of them, they take paypal so there should be no problem with the currency conversion, but they do not have HO scale available, but rather OO.

I just want to make sure I'm correct on this: OO Scale (popular in Britain) is 1:76.2 whereas HO is 1:87.1, so when printing them, I figure I need to print at 87.49%. Does this sound right?
That's what I get, too. Whatever they provide on their site, print it out at 87% and you should be just fine. However, your scale setting on your printer will have to be set for "full size" first, or 1:1, whatever the instructions say.
