Interesting Load

Windmill load are definetly an interesting piece of equipment! Im not sure what RRs go through your town in NC, but i know NS has handled wind mill equipment before, and im sure CSX has as well.

Up here, the only windmill equipment being transported were being moved on semis! Now that was cool! :D
Interesting. And notice how the blades are all neatly arranged so they overlap, and maximize the usage of the cars. Somebody thought about this! I can't quite tell if each blade spans multiple cars.
Those blades are overhanging since those are just spine cars. The ones I see on the interstate here are, I'm guessing, more like 90'.
Pretty cool stuff!

Some of these are albums or articles so be sure to scroll through if more pictures are available. (woohoo Arkansas!)

There are TONS more. Do some searches on Google Images. And there are some videos on YouTube as well.

Another fun one they ship around on the rails is airplane fuselages.

Somewhere on the interwebs is a set of pictures of a airplane train and a windmill train passing each other ... closely. But I haven't been able to find them.
Host and design
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The blades are normally in the 120 ft range but they also run 150 ft blades two. There are also tower sections, hubs and nacelles. The UP probably hauls the most wind trains, followed by the BNSF. They are fairly common in the west because there is so much wore area that is suitable for wind farms.
Happened across this areal photo on gmaps of windmill bits staged for loading on BNSF in Vancouver, WA.

I was actually looking at the car lot where cars are unloaded from ships and loaded onto rail cars. A time lapse of that process could be pretty cool to see.
Honda Xl250R
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