Elections Tomorrow at Train Club

As the PWMRC is still adjusting to the new status as a 501(c)3, we got through the part of nominating a representative to the parent organization board of Trustees. The crew voted me as their nomination. The overall membership of the RF&PMR does the final vote to the Trustee seat. That was done yesterday at the RF&PMR annual member meeting in Richmond.
The annual election of officers of the PWMRC will be this coming Saturday.
Yeah, we just did an install of a couple officers in March, but that was to fill the two vacancies of Treasurer and V.P. We also did the election for a Trustee to the parent 501(c)3.
This Saturday's election is our annual member meeting which we have been doing since the club was established in the late 90s. Our newly voted Ordinance, which replaced our By-laws moves this Annual member meeting to February in order to align with the parent club calendar.
We will also be changing the term of office to two years. In order to get onto that schedule we will have to start with the President and the Treasurer, making their term 21 months and the V.P., Secretary and Membership Officer just 9 months. That will get us into the officer elections in February and alternate the elections to every other year for the two groups. That way, we will have longer single terms for each office to stabilize turnover and have continuity of Officer roles without an annual change of all officers.
I'll be running for President. The current Membership Officer will run for his office again. The current Secretary is dropping out after 4 years and the new nominee will pick up the win. The interim V.P. will very likely win his office and the interim Treasurer will step aside for the nominee. The nominee for Treasurer is a young guy, just outa high school. Never run for an office before but I have prepped him for this office to enhance his resume. After a year of treasurer work, he can add it to his resume as experience in the job for a 501(c)3. I'll teach him the whole job correctly, including how to manage an audit, monthly Treasurer reports to the membership, annual roll up to the parent and IRS requirements.
Even though I'm the only one running for the President office, I'll still put out a campaign letter to the membership this week, telling them my intentions for the next 21 months.
Elections are done. All offices were won as predicted in my previous post here.
I took the entire club out to a nice Italian Restaurant for lunch.
