Recent content by 402drvr

  1. 4

    Some new weathering projects

    Thanks, I didn't intend for the autorack to be so dirty. As you mentioned most are not that dirty, however, when I realized I had gone a bit too far with some of the dirt I looked for a new picture to guide me. I had been using a less dirty example to follow. I did find a fair number of...
  2. 4

    Some new weathering projects

    Thanks, that's a good idea. The light in the basement is pretty bad. Looking to get my airbrush up and running this week so I can do a couple things with that.
  3. 4

    Some new weathering projects

    Two recently weathered pieces of rolling stock. The Railbox is done with chalks and the Autorack is mostly chalks with some paint used. I used graffiti decals on the auto rack. What'dya think?
  4. 4

    XtrakCad for Mac with Lion

    Hi guys, I just got a new Macbook Pro. I bought it so I could run the backdrop biz while on the road for work but I am also hoping tun XtrakCad on it to design parts of the new layout. Unfortunately, the XtrakCad seems to be having a problem running on my Lion operating system. i was...
  5. 4

    Extension layout build

    Hey Motley, the backdrop looks nice
  6. 4

    New SHelf Layout Plans

    Hey Mark how goes it. I will check out the kit. Selective compression is a great tool for this hobby. I am looking to probably model Arrow Gas. It is right off the mainline and while not actually served by rail I can fit it in. How goes your model?
  7. 4

    New SHelf Layout Plans

    Hey guys, Been working on the new yard for last couple of weeks. Here's just about the final version. Only thing I think will be changed is the lead from the branch will come from further to the back to allow a greater radius into the yard. Right now the intermodals derail and the center...
  8. 4

    New SHelf Layout Plans

    Haven't updated this in awhile I guess. My buddy is coming by in a couple days to design and likely build the yard and interchange with the main line. Hopefully having a yard will make the layout a little more usable for operations soon. I am looking to put in a propane dealer. It will...
  9. 4

    Backdrops:materials, construction, etc...

    for my displays at train shows, i display my backdrops, I use a length of wood with a slot for a piece of masonite. Then I put trains on the forward portion of the wood. The masonite has a backdrop glued to it and is easily slid in and out of the slot which was simply cut with a table saw...
  10. 4

    New shelf layout thoughts please

    Hey Mike, hadn't seen you on here before. The original idea looks neat but complicated. I have been finding on my own shelf layout that I design it to require many moves, but then i am bothered by the fact that it is inefficient. So, I end up re-designing it to make it simpler. For instance...
  11. 4

    New SHelf Layout Plans

    Guess its been awhile since I posted in here. The layout hasn;t had a lot of work done. The backdrop business keeps me pretty busy as does the one year old. I am working on the yard on the other side of the basement. All the plans I come up with allow plenty of storage tracks but where...
  12. 4

    Major changes!

    Hey 92er, Congrats on the new child. Seems like a fair trade actually. She gets a new kid and you get a new train room. Wonder if that'll work if we have another. Since our boy was born I have had almost no time for my layout, glad you are getting some work done it looks great so far.
  13. 4

    New SHelf Layout Plans

    So a lot has changed with the way I make the backdrops. I now have my own printer for printing rolls up to 100" long. It also means I can order the paper I want. They have a great matte paper that I use for my backdrops and the ones I sell. It has been really popular. I also shot a new...
  14. 4

    Too many locos?

    Well that's interesting and maybe a neat thing to model occasionally. Thanks
  15. 4

    Too many locos?

    So I have been paying attention to the prototype I am looking to model (The Berskshire Sub) of CSX line between Boston and Albany. I have noticed the Amtrak service that d=goes through. I think it is a part of the Lakeshore Limited but not certain. Anyway, I notice it often runs with three...
