Would pine sol strip locomotive paint?


New Member
I am trying to strip the paint of a Kato sd-45 to repaint it is the NS paint. I have tried rubbing alcohol but that didn't work. I have seen on YouTube people used pine sol to strip paint of plastics and I was wondering if this would work.
I am trying to strip the paint of a Kato sd-45 to repaint it is the NS paint. I have tried rubbing alcohol but that didn't work. I have seen on YouTube people used pine sol to strip paint of plastics and I was wondering if this would work.

Did you use 91% isopropyl alcohol.?70% isn't strong enough.
Not all things remove all paints. Check other MR forums on what removes Kato paint. Also check to see if there's a KATO Yahoo Group that talks about that. Have used Scalecoat Wash Away & Testors ELO but not on Kato paint.
Don't know about Kato, but I know it works really well on Proto 2000 stuff. If there is a small piece you can take off to test it with, it may be your best bet. It will soften some plastics. Ron
Simple Green works very well...It could take an hour or two to almost a week but it will come off. I haven't damaged a shell yet with it.
Pine-Sol will strip the paint. I have spoken with other modelers who have used it on Kato models. Stay away from brake fluid. It does work on older models but these days it is a dice throw between stripping the shell and stripping the shell plus ruining it. It depends on the plastic used by the manufacturer and there's no way to tell. Make the wrong choice and your shell will go all brittle. Not worth the risk. You can also try Scalecoat Wash Away.
While the pine-sol will strip the paint, I've heard that it leaves a residual smell of pine on the shell. I've never used it, if Scalecoat WashAway doesn't do it, I use baking soda in a media blaster.
Never heard about the smell. I guess that would make your model smell like...a shrubbery! That would be NEEET!
