Why no more dummies?

I also am sticking with DC as I already have most of what I need and can afford. I am however, buying new stock that is DCC ready, so if I decide to make the switch, it should be a little cheaper.

"Resistence is futile, you will be assimulated into the collective":eek::eek::D;)
There's lot of dummies out there, unfortunately most of them are people hahaha. I don't see the point of dummies anymore. I used to have em but id rather have powered units since they actually serve a purpose. Just my 2 cents tho

Sent from the past
Anyone still stuck on DC is doing themselves a huge disfavor.
Seriously, if you have not done it yet, do it. It works.

I respectfully disagree that DCC is ALWAYS best. If you don't need DCC, why pay an extra $50 plus per locomotive to have it? It's an extra expense and something else to break (i.e. the micro controller board can go bad). With a straight DC loco, it's going to run as long as you have current (and the motor isn't burned out. If it does quit running, it's easier to troubleshoot than a DCC loco.

Most of my decoders cost less than $20.00, so your exagerating the cost a bit. However, DC has been around forever and worked well for me until I decided I was going to go DCC. Happy I did and I don't look back.
My name is SilverBlade. And I'm a DC railroader.

<sporadic clapping from the audience>

I'd just like to say that my decision to go with DC was not made without careful consideration. But my layout is small and my kids are young. The last thing I want is multiple trains running around. As for the sound effects: I did mention I have young kids right? Sound effects are really not a problem.

Someday my layout will be bigger (and finished enough that it isn't sucking my life savings away) and my youngins older. And on that fine day I'll probably check out a Digital thing-a-ma-what's-it. But until then I just want to say, I am just like you. I am NOT a second class citizen. I have feelings and hope and dreams. I AM A REAL BOY! ~Although I am an N scaler so I do have size issues.
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It really is seriously narrow sighted to be making statements such as: "Anyone still stuck on DC is doing themselves a huge disfavor". Good greif, were talking about how one pursues a hobby, choice is the most important aspect of all!

Thoughts such as the above are similar to people making statements like: one gage is better than any other! I recommend that you dismiss such thoughts and simply persue the hobby the way you want to persue it.

However, I also recommend that you educate yourself on the choices there are and make sure you have the facts, correct! If you have an inkling that someday you will want DCC, then leave the door open for making the switch, should that decission ever be made. I purchased a Digitrax Zepher around 2002, almost all the decoders I have installed cost me less than $20.00 back then and I see 1st Place Hobbies is selling similar decoders for under $23.00.

You want to save some money on the hobby, stop buying RTR rolling stock, do yourself a favor and learn how to build models! Accurail and Bowser and a few others still offer easy to build kits! These kits are far more sturdy then the RTR stuff available and will last a lifetime with simple care! $30.00 for a freight car is an abomination!
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