What era and model passenger cars are these?


I like them and they were dirt cheap so I made a bid and I got them.
Had them for about a week now and especially for the price I really like them in person too even though they seem to be a somewhat lower cost brand overall since they have no interior and truck mounted couplers. They do have windows installed which is nice. I think the only thing I don't like is I would be likely break them if I tried to add an interior since the bodies seem pretty firmly glued to the bases.
I am curious about the exact model and era of the prototypes. I think those are lamp vents and a stove vent in the roof so I am guessing earlyish era baggage and passenger cars of whatever length though they are late enough to be steel and not wood. The color scheme is also not what I am used to for CNW, what era and lines in the CNW network was this scheme used?
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Those are Harriman Design passenger cars. The baggage is a good replica, but the other car is too short to match the proto-type (only the baggage car was 60 foot). They were built from 1909 to 1914. That being said, passengers cars continued in service for many years. Some Harriman passenger cars were seen in commuter service into the late 80's !

OK, thanks.
I am actually kinda glad they made the passenger car a tad short as it makes it much more practical on a layout. I think the extra bit would be enough to tip the scales on going around corners easily.
Harriman Cars indeed. Very popular with the UP,SP and others. MDC makes nice models of them, I personally have a few by the mfg.Playart. Enjoy!
