Track question


New Member
Hello all, Got some things figures out and am going to start to build an N scale layout, figuring in all things it will be 44" inches wide x 112" long. This way it will fit nicely on my long wall in spare room..Anyhow, I figured to use Atlas code 80 nickle silver track, I plan to have a passenger train run on the outside of layout and possibly a freight train on an inside track, as for the curves, what radius would be best suited for passenger trains to fit my layout dimensions and will code 80 be a good choice to use? Thank you.
Hi Mike -

I'm not the person to answer your questions about the proper radius for passenger cars. However, I do have a question. At a depth of 44", will you be able to reach the back of the layout, up against the wall?

Most of us can reach only 30-36" at most, and it gets even more difficult if there is scenery or structures in the area. You may already have considered this and determined it won't be a problem for you, but I know this consideration is often overlooked when planning layouts.

Good luck,

How close to the edge are you comfortable running your trains?

My minimum is 1.5" from the edge of the layout to the center of the track. Using this dimension would yield (44-2x1.5) / 2 = 20.5" maximum radius. A minimum radius for passenger cars is 11". Anything less really looks toy like. A 15" radius is considered a broad radius and is a good starting point for passenger train operation.

What passenger cars are you planning to run?

What length cars you are going to run will determine at what radius they "look good". The Overton passenger cars will look good on an 11" radius, but full length heavyweight or streamlined cars will not look good below 15" radius.

Layout some temporary curves with flex track and place your passenger cars on them to see what you like.

As in most aspects of Model Railroading, everything is a compromise.

As for what type of track, it is like what type of car should you drive. Everybody has a personal opinion. I have used Atlas code 80 for many years, but switched to Atlas code 55 when I started my current layout. I will never switch back.

Hope this helps!
N scale help

Thank you for the replies, gave me lots to think over as I did not realize somethings and I must re-think original plan, however this is a good thing as I have not laid an inch of track yet. Another thing I did not think of andl I visited them both was that both hobby stores in my area stock code 55 track and this may be a benefit being readily available. Again, thanks
