Too Much Track?


junk collector
Things are a little slow here so I will just make up anything for something to do. When I'm lost in my model railroad daydreams I see images in my head like these photos below. Yes there could be a few more engines and railcars than on these empty my visions. Lots of track and switches make me happy. Does anyone else like this? Or not?

While its not what is PC in terms of a layout, I like. Put up a scenic divider, and run yard transfer jobs till the cows come home. Great possibilities for unhidden staging.
Yep, it's just a simple yard wrapped around itself. Not really a great 'layout' but it does have fun operating options.

I dream more of elaborate track configurations such as switchbacks climbing a wall, or excessively detailed unmanaged track through the wilderness.
It's your little world and your the King. Not my bag but it's not my world. Remember, if your not having fun, your not doing it right!
I prefer single track running though the country side...

Agreed ! My mainline only goes through any scene one time. Years ago I had too much track, but I am happy with what I have now. More room for scenery and industries for switching.
Really enjoy all the feedback and different viewpoints. My plan is to have something like that major mess of track in the center module, with town and country scenes on platforms on both sides. Life interuptions have stalled my progress for now, but still having fun running trains on the current setup.

It looks like a slot car set. Too many concentric circles. :eek: The split ladders are interesting, especially for a 'staging' area, but it overwhelms the available space.
How about a bigger table?
