The Marination Station


Coal Shoveler
As I was looking at my PDA files to count how many locos I have (in the Gen Discussion area), I figured I might as well report on the rolling stock side. According to my records, which is current as of Nov 06, I have 235 unassembled freight cars (these are still in the packages, some of them are multi-packs, but not many).

I also have about 100 assembled modern freight cars and about 220 assembled Transition-era freight cars. Assembled means Kadee couplers and appropriate metal wheelsets.

Per usual, the unassembled isn't complete; over the past year I've bought at least a 50 more cars, usually on eBay, but sometimes at train shows.

Over the holidays, I plan to update all my records.....

PS. I'm aware the I'm getting to the point that I will never be able to put all the cars on the layout at once. But, also realize that I model both the modern era (like, today), as well as the transition era. Which means double the stuff.

There's also passenger cars as well, but nowhere near this many.


