The Coffee Shop is now open. Come on in and say hello.

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GrandpaCoyote said:
Evening gang... *nods to the waitress* I'll have Hot Toddy please.. getting just cool enough here to enjoy one..

It's good to hear all the dog stories, we lost our dog about 5 years back and I still miss him often.

Here is what guards our house currently (since the hermit crabs are in a terrarium don'tcha know)

Is it possible that he is the bouncer for the stage act here at the lounge?


Well when Coyote said them squirrels of his are guarding the property, I just wondered if maybe they work for your act? You know those groupies are pretty tough after shows ;)
I tell ya if good ol' Alex was still alive he'd drive these darn Squirrels out of his yard!.. Prancin' around and defying gravity like they own the place! *mutters*
Cruise seems to ignore the squirrels but they tend not to get in the yard, and we have a ton of squirrel food in the yard. The chipmunks are a little bit dumber in where they hangout. He has gotten a few of them, you would think they would talk and claim the yard no-chipmunks land? He did screw with a robin one day, dumb idea on the dogs part. He got buzzed a few times. He didn't take to well to that one.
Evening guys. I guess I'll check in to the insomniac section tonight. :D Now that all the games are over (Besides the Bengals/Jaguars game, which I am currently "Watching" on the NFL site) I can check in to the Coffee Shop and maybe get some sleep. Anyone see the Eagles get whalloped by Dallas? That was some game. Can't wait for the Pittsburgh/San Diego game tomorrow, Pittsburgh is my favorite team. :cool:

I see this has turned into an animal discussion again. I don't have any dogs, as mentioned previously I have cats. I don't really have many squirrel problems, although they sometimes try to take control over the bird feeder. I have a few rabbits and the occaisional stray cat running around my backyard, but that is about it besides the birds that set up shop in a couple of small trees.

I got tomorrow off, YAY!!! :D ;) :eek:
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Trying to get a post in today in between the ups and downs of my cable. Tech will be here in the a.m.

Penn State? Naw! Bama, yes! RTR...Roll Tide Roll! (not the other rtr :D) I must admit that I always liked the games that Alabama and Penn State played. I would like to see another series get going.

Flo! Hey, Flo! Where is Flo?

Everyone posting their buddies makes me want to show off mine. This is my pal Rusty. We have another pal "Mo", a miniature poodle and a cat, "Tasha".
LOTS of tree rats. (sure like to have some fried squirrel. Where's Flo?)
Top O the mornin to everyone. bout time to give my five hours of work. Morning sure did come early today. Hey SAbrina could I get a couple of eggs over easy, bacon crisp, whole wheat toast and a very large glass of moo cow. Nope no coffee it don't like me any to well, drink a cup of that and I taste it for several days.

Got that email ;) Where do you find these pictures? Oh and Good Morning, I have to run and get some essentials ASAP, coffee at my other watering hole. Troy doesn't have school today so I need to figure out a game plan for the day.

Nice to see everyones pictures of their pets. Animals are a good thing, well some.
Good Morning All, nearly afternoon but it's going to be a busy day for me. Company coming for the Thanksgiving meal, Freeloaders, but they're welcome anyway. Best friend is curled up beside me out like a light. Hmmm new waitress hasn't shown up yet, good help is hard to get. Y'all have a great day

Good Morning All!

Sabrina, coffee please, make it a large.

Well, we're almost ready to start our staging yards. They'll be small, I'd like to be able to stage 12 trains total. Measurements are being taken and plans made...

Since we're all posting pet pics, here's Jessie, the railfanning lab.

Got that email Where do you find these pictures?

From emails sent to me I have more on my putor that I haven't had time to transfer yet I have 2 hard drives one is 8 gig the other is 10 gig (I know thats small for today but this putor is about 10 - 15 years old) anyway the 8 gig is about 75% full of pics LOL.
A nice peacefull day today, kids in school, just me and little Gemma (2) and away we went to auntys to chop her rotten cherry tree down then it was off to pre school to chop some table legs down 6" for the little folks, i got a well done sticker off the teacher, the kids can now see over the table when they are sat down. After dinner i did some long over due scenary work on the railroad with my ground cover mixture of dried clay, plaster and fine soil all mixed up with water and white glue, the result is a nice red/brown rock effect ready for ground foam and bushes, i am off to bed now, thats me done.
ssw9662 said:
Evening guys. I guess I'll check in to the insomniac section tonight. :D Now that all the games are over (Besides the Bengals/Jaguars game, which I am currently "Watching" on the NFL site) I can check in to the Coffee Shop and maybe get some sleep. Anyone see the Eagles get whalloped by Dallas? That was some game. Can't wait for the Pittsburgh/San Diego game tomorrow, Pittsburgh is my favorite team. :cool:

heh, I'm not alone "watching" games on the net! Stupid cable on base costing TOO much.
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