The BGR (Bruette's Goofy Railroad)

Just got caught up here…. Bruette, I know how you feel. I am still relatively young at 47, but was diagnosed with lupus a few years back. Unfortunately it has progressed to fairly severe arthritis, and after a hard days work all I really want to do is relax my aching joints. But I really want this layout, love this hobby and all that comes with it, good and bad lol Please keep us up to date, will enjoy following along 😉
Just got caught up here…. Bruette, I know how you feel. I am still relatively young at 47, but was diagnosed with lupus a few years back. Unfortunately it has progressed to fairly severe arthritis, and after a hard days work all I really want to do is relax my aching joints. But I really want this layout, love this hobby and all that comes with it, good and bad lol Please keep us up to date, will enjoy following along 😉
I was given some good advice "a little every day, when possible" It has helped me. I would get discouraged and do nothing because I knew I could not work for hours. Doing even a few minutes when I can has helped me so much. I have not worked on the permanent layout. I got sidetracked with Christmas Trains, but I'm loving it!

Last Christmas I did not complete much of anything. I had one Christmas train up and running in the living room, but the track needed to be thouroghly cleaned. The train would need a nudge to get started, I was so disappointed.

When I clean the track, I do it at a table to make it easier on me. But it still takes a toll on my hands. I skipped it last year because I could not do it all at once. Sitting on the floor and cleaning the track is out of the question

This year thanks to the good advice I cleaned a little track at a time. I not only have the 70"x40" oval in the living room. I have a 106"x76" Oval and a 91" Figure 8 with two sidings. All Lionel Fastrack. I also cleaned and lubricated 2 trains, 3 addon cars and 9 cars on the sidings. I'm amazed by all I have done. A little at a time.

Be careful not to overdo it, I did that one day. It's so easy to do, like you I love this hobby too!

If you are interested in my adventure with Christmas, look at my thread Christmas Trees, Trains and More

Bottom line, find what works for you. If you run into a hurdle, ask questions and tell these guys on the forum your issue. They are always willing to help. The coffee shop is a great resource and has a great bunch of experienced modelers, plus a goof ball like me. 🤪

I will post updates when I get back to the BGR layout after the holidays.

I hope you are feeling well, enjoy the holidays!
Christian, the BGR has been put on a sidetrack for now.

I was busy with Christmas trains and loving it!

The BGR will occupy two thirds of my attic. In my small office area of the attic, I have space for a special Christmas Tree. The special Tree belonged to my late sister, Theresa. It was her first tree after she got married. After my divorce I lost all my Christmas stuff. Theresa gave this tree to me. My plan is to build a platform for this tree and decorate it with Lionel Christmas ornaments. And of course, a Lionel train or two running underneath. This should fill any free time I have in the near future.

I will return to the BGR!
Christian, the BGR has been put on a sidetrack for now.

I was busy with Christmas trains and loving it!

The BGR will occupy two thirds of my attic. In my small office area of the attic, I have space for a special Christmas Tree. The special Tree belonged to my late sister, Theresa. It was her first tree after she got married. After my divorce I lost all my Christmas stuff. Theresa gave this tree to me. My plan is to build a platform for this tree and decorate it with Lionel Christmas ornaments. And of course, a Lionel train or two running underneath. This should fill any free time I have in the near future.

I will return to the BGR!
I love that idea.
I was working in my attic/train room/playpen today. I found a few boxes I had not opened, had not inventoried, and had completely forgotten about.

Here is what I found.
Lionel's Renz Hobby Shop SKU: 6-85185

Lionel's Irene's Diner - SKU: 6-24176

Lionel's North Pole Central GP38 - SKU: 2034210

I can't wait to see what else I will find!
I've made real progress, and no hurricane was needed! (Terry will understand)

I moved the Christmas tree into its permanent spot. As I explained in an earlier post it was my late sister Theresa's Tree. It's old and I don't want to do any damage by taking it apart and reassembling it every year and I'm old and getting lazy! Once I decorate it, I will cover it with plastic until the first Sunday of Advent.

My plan was to build a platform for this special tree. I recently found a rug my late Mom bought. (I have a back porch half full of my Mom's stuff.) It was brand new, never unrolled, brown, 4'x5.5'. Once I saw it, I remembered getting it at Walmart with her. It's almost perfect for the spot the tree is in. It's only 2.5 inches short of perfect. Considering it was my Mom's it is perfect. And much simpler and faster than building something. Did I say I'm getting old and lazy?

I made space for the lumber for my layout, and I got all the 4'x8' (10piecs) up into the attic. I still need to pick up some 1"x4's but they will be much easier to carry up the steps.

I still have dozens of boxes to go through and move, God only knows what I will find. I haven't touched much of this stuff since December 2017.

Things are looking up and moving forward. I can't wait to hear trains running.

Thank God for my trains and God Bless Us Everyone!
Hey Paul! Just for clarification. Those are not kits. They are both ready out of the box, plug-n-play.

I don't put anything together. I have almost zero artistic skill and my creativity is all but nonexistent.
I'm guilty of owning a couple of ready built structurers too 😂

I don't have any artistic skill either but while nothing I've built and painted is going to win any awards I'm pretty happy with them. Give a kit a try you may surprise yourself :)
I'm guilty of owning a couple of ready built structurers too 😂

I don't have any artistic skill either but while nothing I've built and painted is going to win any awards I'm pretty happy with them. Give a kit a try you may surprise yourself :)
Guilty, hell I'm proud and grateful they make them!

My hands are all but useless at this point in my life. Even with capable hands I wasn't qualified to use crayons. It's a good thing there were no tests on crayons in elementary school. If they did, I'd still be struggling to fit into those little desks!
Guilty, hell I'm proud and grateful they make them!

My hands are all but useless at this point in my life. Even with capable hands I wasn't qualified to use crayons. It's a good thing there were no tests on crayons in elementary school. If they did, I'd still be struggling to fit into those little desks!
You're right. "Guilty" is the wrong word. Both of my ready built structures were a gift from my mother. She loves those things :D
