Soldering wires


I converted a Bachmann 0-6-0 steamer over to DCC. I purchased a NCE decoder. However, the wires needed to get soldered onto the diecast frame. But the solder doesn't seem to stick. How do I connect the wires to the diecast frame? What kind of solder would I need to use? OR what procedure would I need to make it stick. I tried scuffing it and that doesn't work either.
Die cast can be nearly impossible to solder to. What I do is drill and tap a hole for a small screw. Then tin the wire end, bend it so it wraps 3/4 way around the screw and tighten.
Or here is a way if you don't have a tap, or appropriate drill. You can loosen one of the screws that holds the frame together, slide up the insulating sleeve, enough to get a wire wrapped around it. (Don't lose the plastic washer that keeps the sides from touching.It in the middle, between the frame halves.) Tighten the screw back down, squeezing the wire tight against the frame side.
