So. Calif. Tour- Sept. 27 (5 N Layouts)

You are invited to another FREE model railroad layout tour sponsored by Model Railroads of Southern California. Five of the fourteen layouts on this tour are N scale..

The tour will take place throughout Southern California and is self-guided. The theme of this tour is "small layouts". These smaller layouts should inspire those of you without a lot of space to finally build a layout and run those trains now sitting idle in storage. As you will discover, an apparent lack of space doesn't have to keep you from having a layout.

The layouts on this tour will be:

-Bedroom size or smaller
-Shelf layouts that don't dominate a room or garage, or
-Layouts that can be lifted or folded out of the way to return the space to other uses

Below is basic information about the tour. Additional downloadable information, including two maps for every layout, is available in the Files Section of the group at:

Be sure to check the group website the day before the tour to see if any changes to the schedule or layout lineup have occurred.

If you cannot attend this tour, more tours are scheduled, including a Santa Barbara area layout tour in January.

And if you have a layout that you would like to show on a future tour, please contact me.

Bob Chaparro
Model Railroads of Southern California
Hemet, CA


Josef Bingisser- 10:00 to 8:00
The Garage Fold-Up Line ( HO)
1709 Oahu Place, Costa Mesa

Marty Bradley-12:00 to 5:00
Oakhurst Railroad (HO)
11802 Davenport Road, Los Alamitos

Sandy Friedfeld- 10:00 to 3:00
Palos Verdes Transfer Railroad (N)
29418 Quailwood Drive, Rancho Palos Verdes

Peter Gagnon- 9:00 TO 3:00
No Name Railroad (S)
4607 Natalie Drive, San Diego

Bob Grech- 11:00 to 5:00
Western Pacific Railroad ( HO)
17302 Elm Street, Fountain Valley

Rodger Gredvig- 11:00 to 3:00
Lodestone & Iron (N)
6548 Alcala Knolls Drive, San Diego

Ray Inbody- 10:00 to 4:00)
Los Angeles Belt Railway (O)
4665 El Penon Way, San Diego

Don Julien- 10:00 to 2:00
DJ&C Railroad (HO)
18562 Santa Isadora St., Fountain Valley

Jeff McKee- 10:00 to 2:00
Tigard & Grants Pass (On30)
21271 Bristlecone, Mission Viejo

John Parrish- 9:00 to 4:00
Great Southwest & Pacific Railroad (HO)
19789 Ryan Way, Apple Valley

Bob Russell- 10:00 to 3:00
Orange Belt Lines (N)
7636 Lime Ave, Fontana
Dennis Saunders- 1:00 to 4:00
Central City Railroad (N)
2582 Skytop Court, Orange

Dennis Tebo- 11:00 to 3:00
O. C. Narrow Gauge Modelers (On3)
3439 Salisbury Cir. #A, Orange

Mark Williams- 10:00 to 3:00
Unnamed Railroad (N)
1428 Elizabeth Crest, Redlands
