Shell removal


New Member
I have a Kato GE C44-9W lococ I want to install a TCS decoder into. How do I remove the body shell? It isn't obvious and of course I don't want to damage anything.

Sometimes one of the couplers might need to be removed before that end of the shell comes off.....but many times not. This will be obvious if you look at it. Turn the engine up side down on top of a soft towel or clean rag. Look for plastic tabs on the side of can sometimes gently push toothpicks between the shell and metal frame to get the plastic tabs to release the shell from the frame. Sometimes one end will come out out first. Shells usually release and come off easily.

My experience is while of course you try to be careful to protect the details from harm like horns and railings, ect.,....they are so delicate....after awhile you are likely to have some minor damage. Just keep your eyes open and watch where small parts go if they happen to come off.

When I get an engine whose shell is stubborn I file down the little notches on the frame. Also, try not to grab the cab as this is usually a separate piece on hood units.
