Running Bear's May 2024 Coffee Shop

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Good Morning All. Absolutely clear and 59°, the stars go on forever. It is totally wet out there though, thanks to that short but intense thunderstorm/hailstorm yesterday afternoon. As I posted yesterday, we received a total of 1.6" of rain in less than 30 minutes, along with a good covering of dime-size hail. My pond overflowed the dam in one spot because the spillway couldn't release the water as fast as it was coming in. That sent a river cascading between the train shed and the garden, into the runoff channel on the north side of the house. No water damage to anything, everything worked as it should have.
Now the upside of yesterday's rain is that the flooded conditions most likely drowned all of the grasshopper nymphs that usually hatch at this time of year. At least I hope so. i did finally get out to check out the garden and didn't notice any hail damage out there. Wish that I had carried the camera with me as I came upon two turtles mating at the pond's edge. They slowly dismounted and slid into the water upon spotting me. They were relatively big, the larger male was about 15" across and the smaller female one was about 12" across.

Yesterday's weekly grocery trek went as planned, I didn't notice any unusual price increases. Gasoline prices in the city had dropped about a nickel a gallon everywhere. Got home and got the car emptied before the rains came.

No train shed time for me yesterday. The river was in the way and by the time that it receded enough to get out there, it was cocktail hour and supper time on the SFW estate. From the archives, a few wild animals on the layout.


05-11-20 011.JPG


Troy - Positive thoughts for your Mom, whatever ails her.
Todd - Ditto, best wishes for Maria.
Guy - I certainly won't let my wife see that Plumeria plant.
Tom O - I like the car pic. I have thought about that so I asked my SIL, who has an electric VW, and he says that the charger locks into his charging port and can't be removed without doing some kind of magic dance.
Swal - I don't often watch train videos, but I have watched many of Jaw Tooth's videos. He makes some interesting ones. I also like many of the ones that afleetcommand posts here on the forum.

Everyone have a great Friday.
Good Morning!
The weather is beautiful and I'll be working at least 1/2 day on the flower beds, for the wife. That will leave the other 1/2 day for my own stuff and the dog walks.

For my own stuff, I'm trying to get a creek canyon crossing underway. No particular plan on that. Just carving out and filling in as I go.
CrkCrossing_05-10-2024 (1).JPG

I'm gonna leave enough room out front to float my boat:
HO Boat_05-14-2021.JPG

You might remember that was a 1/72 row-boat kit, that I scratched-up a cabin for, to turn it into a 1/87 bigger boat.

Willie - I have a new drone, still in the box and never charged up for use. Had it for a year, unused. Just seems like I've already got to many hobbies. - I like the animal models. Hope to have moose (meese) on mine, and dogs of course. Plus I've got a sasquatch, but I'll need to scratch-build the case of beer.

Bob - The jury's still out for now, with the new photo feature. It's a good idea, I suppose. But, I believe there's a possibility it could turn out to be a-lot of work for you; a real pain in the rear eliminating the non-rail type photos.

Why is some messages posting double? Is that happening, or is it just my crappy PC acting up?

I better get at it. Have a wonderful, warm and sunny spring day!

In regards to our patio layout here's a pic of what my wife has to work with. Taken at 10am today:

I'm facing about 310° on the compass, so W by NW??

The shade on the patio is coming from our 2 story Townhouse row building (10 units all connected) That shade will be mostly gone by noon from the fence gate to the farthest hanging planter. Two more hours and it will get to the second hanging planter. The area to Camera Left is my sitting area, with the canopy above. During growing season, the sun is high enough in the sky to not cast a canopy shadow on the fence.

And, she doesn't eat salad, and I'm not sure she wants to grow broccoli or carrots. It only took me four years to get her to start growing pretty flowers
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Morning folks

36F, completely cloudless, and headed for a high of 64. There is still probably something close to 8" of wet mush snow remaining at the house and no doubt, way more up the "hill". Going to be some water running this afternoon and no doubt a really poor choice of a day for any backcountry skiing in the Bridger Range. The wet avalanches are going to be abundant.

Need to send PSC some more money------
It’s photos like these that are the reason I want to grab some of the images from this feed. There’s lots of good stuff here!!!

Good Morning All. Absolutely clear and 59°, the stars go on forever. It is totally wet out there though, thanks to that short but intense thunderstorm/hailstorm yesterday afternoon. As I posted yesterday, we received a total of 1.6" of rain in less than 30 minutes, along with a good covering of dime-size hail. My pond overflowed the dam in one spot because the spillway couldn't release the water as fast as it was coming in. That sent a river cascading between the train shed and the garden, into the runoff channel on the north side of the house. No water damage to anything, everything worked as it should have.
Now the upside of yesterday's rain is that the flooded conditions most likely drowned all of the grasshopper nymphs that usually hatch at this time of year. At least I hope so. i did finally get out to check out the garden and didn't notice any hail damage out there. Wish that I had carried the camera with me as I came upon two turtles mating at the pond's edge. They slowly dismounted and slid into the water upon spotting me. They were relatively big, the larger male was about 15" across and the smaller female one was about 12" across.

Yesterday's weekly grocery trek went as planned, I didn't notice any unusual price increases. Gasoline prices in the city had dropped about a nickel a gallon everywhere. Got home and got the car emptied before the rains came.

No train shed time for me yesterday. The river was in the way and by the time that it receded enough to get out there, it was cocktail hour and supper time on the SFW estate. From the archives, a few wild animals on the layout.
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Troy - Positive thoughts for your Mom, whatever ails her.
Todd - Ditto, best wishes for Maria.
Guy - I certainly won't let my wife see that Plumeria plant.
Tom O - I like the car pic. I have thought about that so I asked my SIL, who has an electric VW, and he says that the charger locks into his charging port and can't be removed without doing some kind of magic dance.
Swal - I don't often watch train videos, but I have watched many of Jaw Tooth's videos. He makes some interesting ones. I also like many of the ones that afleetcommand posts here on the forum.

Everyone have a great Friday.
Good morning from the deserts of Arizona. Tee time in 45 minutes with my brother, my golf partner and the guy partnering with my brother. Just getting some practice in today. Tomorrow is the chase for the prize, 27 holes for each of the next 3 days! Monday night is the banquet.

77f degrees now 84 later. 100% sunny and zero chance of rain! Chance of sun burn is severe and long sleeves and a hat, 2 things you’ll rarely see me wear are a must in the desert. The second day of shorts with yesterday the 1st of the year.

Enjoy your day
Good Morning All!

48F @ 68%, headed for 85F later. In fact, day temps are above 70 as far as the weather app goes out.

For those that like track in the streets - I have been thinking of doing the same, abet a little different. This is a google view of Missoula ( Brooks and Reserve ) which both are busy streets. Last I heard there are 2 trains a day across this. I need to figure out the when part so next time ima there, pix will be in order.

Also, when we went to St Maries the other day, I spotted cleaned out RoW just east of Troy. So went to a friends house 1st and got these 2 in the bright sunshine:

Back to that cleared out spot. Most people did not know that there was a tunnel at this location. Welp, now they do. [edit] Tunnel #6


Today is more leveling of the property to make room for 2 storage sheds; well one will be a chicken hut, the other is for crap we have laying around that needs covered.

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Afternoon All,

Started out the day with inside and outside chores. After that I assembled the shack walls and put the roof on then weathered it a bit. Nothing fancy. Probably not worth a photo. I'm not lighting it and it's on the layout next to the tower I just built. Tomorrow, I need to inventory our hurricane supplies and make a list of what we need to get.

Thank you for the photo likes yesterday.

Willie- Glad you had no issues. Nice critter photos. Plumerias are low maintenance in warm climates.

Guy- Sorry about the flowers but I don't think they would do well in Canada. Nice grain elevator. The river area is going to be great when you finish it. Very cool dinghy.

Louis- Great remembrance.

Bill- Sad looking box car.

Troy- Nicely painted figures. Nice little patio area.

Swal- We have a lot of crossings in Orlando. One area to the south called Taft is nicknamed "train after f*****g train".

Todd- Nice train photos.

I hope everyone has a good night.
Evening all,

Had an MRI appointment this morning and really got my right shoulder pinched up. Did get the yard mowed, as it may rain tomorrow. Have another appointment to get the results of the MRI. I hope he finds something to explain what the heck is going on.
I'm up
Back still aches, and is stiff from a night of trying not to move much, but it's getting better.
Tinnitus is about the same, at a 5 to 6 level

Working on a new design style for book covers. Time to rebrand a few and refresh some old series... this is tougher than it looks
Good morning all!

Another bright sunny Northern Illinois day. Looks like the low 70s and no rain in the forecast Took advantage of the cool weather yesterday to mow and trim the yard up so I didn't have to deal with it today.

Going to head out and get a haircut this morning. Also a quick stop to Home depot for another sheet of foam. Hopefully the last sheet I need to be able to finally finish up the mainline on the layout and let trains run the entire layout. .

Have a safe day everyone!
Good Morning, all!

Does anyone have a photo of a sasquatch, that isn't just another con attempt by an actor in a monkey suit?
I'd like to paint my Mini-prints sasquatch, and need to know the colours. There's going to be a sasquatch living in a cave along my layouts river bank.

I took this photo of burned-out SD40-2w, CN 5325 a couple of weeks ago. It had been moved to a longer siding, closer to the mainline.
CN 5325_SD40-2W_Burnout_04-29-2024.JPG

I think they are fixing to hook-up and haul her away. I also believe that vandals have been picking her apart for scrap copper value.
I'll try get some more close-up photos before she goes. Historical content is important to me.

Curt - I was surprised to see you mention 'Hurricane supplies'! We don't think about that around here. Our thoughts are more geared toward forest-fires and -40F.

Todd - I really enjoy your BNSF photos. I like their colours.

Patrick - Hope the Doc can get you fixed-up!

I'll walk the dog down to Beaver Creek today. Gonna see if I can find some useful stones to decorate my layout river with. Other than that, this day is for working on the river crossing.

I hope you have a wonderful, sunny spring day!!! It was 67F yesterday, and I was over-heated and sweating under the sun! I'll walk the dog right away, and hide by the basement layout in the afternoon heat.
Morning folks

What an impressive aurora borealis last night when I took the canines for their nightly stroll at 12:30 am. When I first opened the door (which faces due south) my thoughts were those are some strange, high, wispy clouds but a look to the north left absolutely no doubt as to what was occurring with the classic green and purple extending almost over head. Unfortunately, I wasn't having much success changing the settings on the Sony A6000 to get any decent photos-something about dark, no glasses, and old----

Another cloudless morning, 41F with a forecast high of 71. There remains about 6 inches of snow but that will all be headed down valley today.
Good Morning All. Mostly cloudy and 60° on this cool Saturday morning. Might get up to 80° today, and there are thunderstorms in the forecast for tomorrow and Monday; just can't seem to get out of this pattern.
I had taken a couple of pictures of the neighborhood when I went to get our mail Thursday, but forgot to download them. These were taken about 2 hours after the intense thunderstorm earlier in the afternoon.
The river alongside the road trying to wash the neighbor's trash bin away.

Some of the now very clean Longhorns next door walking through their partially flooded pasture.

The two mamas facing me are close to popping some young ones loose.

All of this rain in the last ten days is f*****g up my garden due to the excessive moisture. The Green Peas that I am picking right now, are drowning from a lack of air around the roots and they are giving up about 3 weeks early. Tomatoes, Squash and Green Beans are just waiting on sunshine and some drying out before resuming growth. None of the three will set any flowers in such damp weather. Broccoli has given up although I have gotten a decent crop up til now. Onions are not liking the wet feet either, but they are currently dying back (maturing) and will begin to rot in the ground if not picked quickly enough. Crop looks decent although the actual onions are a bit smaller than normal - about tennis ball sized. They do best if allowed to remain in the ground while the plants completely dry out, but that's not possible this season, unless the predicted rain tomorrow does not materialize.

I spent most of yesterday dealing with household maintenance, after picking about 15 lbs. of Green Peas early. Just routine stuff that I couldn't do Thursday, the burn trash, two trips (450' each) to the dumpster with the regular trash, emptying the dishwasher and a load of laundry among them. I had an unexpected visitor yesterday in the form of a large bobcat roaming through the yard. It swiftly ran away after I picked up the camera so I didn't get a picture. While they used to be a common sight down the road, they rarely came near the house in the day time. They have somewhat vacated the property next door when the newest neighbor down there, dismantled the old abandoned hog sheds there when he converted the old property into a "country estate".

I spent some time out in the train shed later in the afternoon. I mostly ran trains although I did assemble and paint the two sections of guardrail and two "arrow" signs that I will be using on the latest layout project.

Haven't installed them yet but I did also spread some ground foam about. No picture since it all looked like glistening glue/water left to dry overnight. I'll continue that next and I will also be adding figures to the MR III structure and set a scene at the drugstore on the left..

Troy - Those aren't ideal conditions for any reasonable veggie gardening. Best for her to not get frustrated by trying.
Tom O - Of course it's been shorts and tee shirt weather here since mid-February this year. Actually started about 2 weeks earlier than normal.
Curt - Regarding the Plumerias: Low maintenance or not, it's something else that she would want and then I will have to take care of them!

Have a great Saturday and a wonderful weekend. Did you ever notice that on a North American calendar, Sunday is actually the week-beginning, not the weekend!
Swal- We have a lot of crossings in Orlando. One area to the south called Taft is nicknamed "train after f*****g train".
I don't know if you watched the video Curt but right after the 2 mile long train rolled down main street another rolled through town in the opposite direction. It said once the head end engines (10mph) clears the town the rest of the train is allowed to go 25 mph, but I see a radio-controlled unit in the middle of the train. These trains don't stop on a dime if need be.
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