Running Bear's May 2024 Coffee Shop

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Nope it removes it from the gallery, but not here. That's what I was hoping for, good news!
I think that it is a neat feature, but I have some reservations.
I was hoping for a self-editing process where the OP could determine whether or not to include the photo in the gallery. I see where my picture of the hail on my back porch has already been removed after it first appeared. This may dissuade me from posting gardening or critter pictures in the Coffee Shop. Some there enjoy them, but I can understand that the entire forum membership might not feel that way. It may also require extensive monitoring from our already short-handed moderator/admin staff.
Hmmmh! Maybe just not automatically post Coffee Shop photos??? I would miss Guy's forest walk photos if he stopped posting them.
FWIW I tend to agree with Willie and think that any gallery pix need to be train related. This might not be or is not the case with Coffee Shop pix and leaving the whole nine yards out of the election process might be the way to go. Of course we are assuming that if someone posts in Layout Design any pix are gonna be of a layout or the design process ... right?
Be sure to go out and check your new roof for damage.
No visible damage from the ground looking up, and my wife doesn't want me to get on the roof any more. These weren't big enough (in my opinion) to have caused damage, and they weren't coming down with any intensity, just kind of floating down. It is a situation worth monitoring though. I should get my grandson up here with his drone; or just buy one for myself!
No visible damage from the ground looking up, and my wife doesn't want me to get on the roof any more. These weren't big enough (in my opinion) to have caused damage, and they weren't coming down with any intensity, just kind of floating down. It is a situation worth monitoring though. I should get my grandson up here with his drone; or just buy one for myself!
That gonna be a DCC drone? Ya might as well jump!
So if I post this picture, it goes to the Gallery!

But if I post this, it doesn’t

Tech is wonderful when it works
I think that it is a neat feature, but I have some reservations.
I was hoping for a self-editing process where the OP could determine whether or not to include the photo in the gallery. I see where my picture of the hail on my back porch has already been removed after it first appeared. This may dissuade me from posting gardening or critter pictures in the Coffee Shop. Some there enjoy them, but I can understand that the entire forum membership might not feel that way. It may also require extensive monitoring from our already short-handed moderator/admin staff.

Only from the photo gallery. It's still here in the discussion. That won't change either, the whole reason for this category is to post off topic stuff. I'm just looking for a way to capture some of the great model railroad photos that get posted in here so they can easily be found later.

To be honest, the reason it was deleted so quickly was as a test to see if 1) That was even possible and 2) Did it also remove the attachments here? It is possible and no, it won't remove them from here.

This topic is always the most visited topic in the forum. There are often some really great model railroad photos posted here, and I think it would be good to have them be easier to find in the gallery.

I can understand that the entire forum membership might not feel that way.

The solution in the gallery is the same as it is here. If you're not interested, simply skip that category. It won't hurt anything if there are off topic posts in that category, but it would be good to go in on occasion and clean them out. It's all subject to change of course, we'll see how it goes.
We'll give it a try, and see how it works. But here's the deal...

It is much, much, easier and faster to remove the ones that aren't train related from the gallery than it is to find and fish out the ones from the topic that are. I click a box, select the photos I want gone, choose delete, and they vanish. It's that simple.

Also, since they're in the ANPL topic in the gallery, it doesn't hurt anything if something off the wall shows up...

They're in their own category... Hmm... that gives me an idea...
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I've removed the ANPL category from the "What's New" section. So the photos won't show up there. They'll still appear in the photo gallery, and I'll be able to go in a "weed" and move them to other categories as I see fit.

Best of both options, they get quickly and easily put in the gallery, but they don't show up and annoy anyone. You will be able to find them, but you'll have to choose to go to that category.

That should work just fine!
My solution, will allow everyone to just keep posting like normal. Keep posting off topic stuff like normal, it's not a problem. As I said, that's what this problem is for.

I'll grab the model railroad ones worth keeping and drop them into the category they best fit. Should work for everyone.
Bill was hot on my heels. Like a Kentucky Derby photo finish there.

Woke up at 4:30-ish to go pee. My back screamed at me the entire trip (about 10 steps to the loo), that I dropped and did some stretches just outside the bathroom.

It had that grumble of twinge* tweak** Twinge* going the entire time of getting coffee ready. So I had the question of ice or heat when I got to the recliner. I went for ice. Once it settles down from being awake after being in the same sleep position for 8 hours, I'll do some more stretching.

Later this afternoon, Jabra hearing aids go back to Costco. And I called the ENT place to cancel my appt. They're so busy that the only way to cancel was to either sit on hold for half-an-hour like I did to schedule, or to leave a voice mail. I left the VM. Now we'll see if they call me in a month when I don't show at the appt.

My new audiologist said he used to manage their hearing aid dept, and just nodded when I said it sounds like they're great at milking health insurers for every dime they can get in testing fees.

In other news, I've got a WW2 tank game day this saturday at the local game store. No pic of that.
BUT, next Sunday the 19th, I head to Dayton OH area for three game tourney in the fantasy game. I had to dust off my Nightstalkers Before Xmas army. Got my army list down to the nitty gritty little details. I should be able to submit it today.

Here's some pics to make Bob exercise his delete button. This is the *NEW* army I'm working on, the Swifty Orcs. We're not to the glitter stage yet... ;)

Final pass of detail and highlight needs to be done. Then some strategic Glitter application.
Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 5.35.43 AM.png

This guy needs his eyepatch picked out, and his teeth.
Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 5.35.53 AM.png

The orcs come from a realm of energy infused lightning existence, so the stray light blue is there to help with the Lightning feel. I'll add a blue filter/wash in some places to help bring that out.

Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 5.36.59 AM.png

These guys probably won't get a game in until this fall. I've got a few more units and then some to paint.
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