Railroad Passes #2

Swaping Cars!

Say Josh,
That's rather dissapointing for sure loosing the car, I now understand what happened! Your quite ambitious to send out another, I think MDC was a good choice, heck just the metal sub frame, Flat Car, would be enough, LOL after your prior experience! :eek:

Btw: It would seem that each person on the list should send a car to the nest person to keep a continual rotation going!?

PS: Kindly email me one of your passes so I get a better idea of what goes on one, I'm in the process of making one up myself. Thanks! ddp@sti.net

I'm still looking at that. Just trying to find a cheaper car too use, after loosing that Genesis car, I'm not willing to use a $20 car again!

As for passes, I've developed one. Still need to work on a freight bill.

Anyone who wants one, I have hard copies, just PM me an left me know.
