Painting SOO Line



I've got a fun project coming up of painting a couple of U30C engines. I know the Soo Line engine is pretty basic, but what looks to be a little challenging is the angle and curve that runs down the front of the cab? What's a good quick way of masking this? I'm too worried about the angle but more the curve. Also is it wise to paint the thing in White first and then do red or vice versa? Thanks
Always paint with primer as the first coat, the lightest color as the second coat, and darkest color as the last coat. Covering red with white leads to sort of a pale ivory no matter how many coats you give it. Don't ask me how I know this. :)

The only tricky part is that curve at the bottom. I'd run masking tape straight down and then, using a sharp #11 xacto blade, cut the curve by eye using the picture to get the right relationship between the windows and the battery box doors to start the cut. Just at first glance, it looks like you could use the curve of a penny to get the right arc.
The Microscale decal sheet might have a scale image which is good in the aid of cutting a mask. Thats how I cut the masks for my Santa Fe Warbonnets...
Excellent suggestions! I couldn't think of how to get that curve. I'll post a picture when they are done. Probably be in a month. Thanks
