October 2008 Photo Contest

Old 97

The October 2008 Photo Contest Theme is * Second Life!
Every Railroad has rolling stock that is no longer fit for revenue service and have found new uses for them after being retired.
Let's see what the "Brass Hats" on your railroad have come up with!
One entry per member please. To enter, follow the link, login to the gallery and upload your photo. Good luck to all and thanks for participating in the photo contests!


* All types of rolling stock once used in revenue service that is, or was being used in any manner imaginable as a "Second Life".
Steam Locomotive Tenders qualify for this theme.
Do rebuilds count? Like pretty much the whole MRL fleet, save the Aces. Some GP9s are on about their 5th life.
As I don't have any rebuilds (yet, I have an SW7 in the shops). I would love to see others pieces of work. I vote for November we do a "Rainbow Train" theme. You remember Amtrak's rainbow trains of different origionalities. Don't forget BN's colorful Grain trains of the 70's-80's when they would have loads of different colored hoppers.
Here is my submission, an Old Passenger car converted to a Steam Winch Car.

The Boiler chimney support boalts are acutally drilled into the chimney as well as extnding through the roof with boalt heads on the underside. As you can see there is quite a change in appearance and no under body detail has been added yet.

If the track looks funny by the little engine it's due to it being Dual Gauge as the little engine is HOn3

To view image that can be enlarged please go to the Photo Galery on the opening page and you should find an image marked Trussrod

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