New layout dreaming.

Installed the base board around the room this weekend. All the bench work along the walls is complete. I need to construct the storage shelves below the layout next.

Benchwork and storage along walls is complete. I am going to build the layout in two phases. Phase one being the lower staging and along the walls. and back to the main yard. I am going to try and start cutting some splines for the roadbed tonight. I will document things as I go along in a different thread.
Anyone in the Chicago area wants to stop by just send me a PM
Here are the first splines that I cut. They are only 4 feet long. I was given a large stack of 2X4 foot pieces. I am going to cut the rest tonight I hope. They cut really easy on the table saw. I am going to stack four pieces together so I can cut four strips at once thru the saw. They create a lot of dust so I cut them outside on the table saw. Cold here in Chicago. They bend really nicely with no fear of breaking.
My mains are 145' X 2 = 290'. 290' X 6pieces = 1740' I need 1740' of strips. so I will need 435 4' long pieces to just do the mains (no sidings). It will be worth it.
