New Haven FL9

NH Mike

CEO & Wheel Cleaner
I was at my local hobby shop over the weekend and the owner was filling me in on what is in the works from various manufacturers. He mentioned that one of the smaller companies has an FL9 in development. Details are kind of sketchy but he said it will be on a modified Atlas chassis / drive with an accurately detailed plastic carbody. Master work on the body is still ongoing and the engine should hit the shelves in about 1 year. No idea on price or whether it will be DCC or DCC ready. This is good news for New Haven fans and modellers as the FL9 has only been offered twice in the past, both in brass.

If you're not familiar with the FL9 it was a dual power locomotive on a B, A-1-A set of trucks. It could run conventional diesel electric or run electric only from a shoe pick up on an outside 3rd rail. The NH was the only RR to use them and they had a total of 60, all A units. It was designed so the last few miles of tunnels leading into Penn Sta in NYC could be run electric and not fill the area with exhaust fumes.

( HO scale in case you were wondering )
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Must be River Point Station.

I have seen that announcement for the past 2 3 years and will believe it when I see at least test shots. For now I will enjoy my CDOT Overland Brass version and wait for a plastic version to add more units to the collection in Amtrak, MNCR, and CDOT!

Now that you mention it I remember he did say it was River Point Station. Perhaps they finally are making progress and this time around it will happen.
