NCE ATLS4 decoder


Dcc~detail~diesel freak
Ok, so I got this decoder for free recently and am not planning on using it in a switcher. I been trying to figure out how to attach it to the motor and the only thing I can see is the two large spots on the board for attachment to poles of some kind. One of the spots is filled in with a small strip of copper hanging from it, but the other is just a hole that is tinned (presoldered).
any ideas of how to attach a motor to it? I know it goes to a Atlas switcher, and I don't have one to compare the pickups to. So if anyone could chime in as to how the light board connects to the motor in one they have, let me know please.
Thanks, Eric aka ThoroughBreed
I have already viewed and it doesnt cover anything important. I did figure it out by looking over at Tony's trains at the installs there, so this is closed.
What don't you understand? There are 4 solder pads on the decoder for truck pickup. the "tinned" hole is for the bottom motor contact, the copper strip contacts the top motor brush. Practically side by side! Very easy to install, best in the Atlas S2-4's. Oddly enough, the Austrian and Chinese made models are identical, it workes well in either!
Thanks for letting me know that the tinned hole is for the bottom brush. As for it going into a switcher, its not, it will probably find its home in a athearn sd40-2., with the leds replaced with bulbs:cool:
It found its way into a Athearn C44-9W oddly enough. I flipped it over and put it in the ceiling with the large pad area in the roof of the cab. It works great.
Hey, stranger things have happened. Its a decoder, a little odd shaped, but a decoder none the less!
And hey, you couln't beat the price!:D
