My HO "L-Shaped Switching Layout" (96"x92"(16" Shelf Width))...

I got a temporary bridge put in so I could make it a loop.

Bridge is 4" wide.

The radius by the grain elevator is 24" and the one close to the camera is about 26".

Made a little more bench work to allow for more of a radius.
Here is the new location of the Grain Elevator.


Where the four covered hoppers are, there will be a Walthers HO 933-3026 Red Wing Flour Mill Kit (>LINK<)
Few shots of me figuring out the road to the flour mill....the grain trucks will have their own dirt road that comes off this paved road.

I am going with a 3" wide road.


Got started on the road, and did some testing on the scenery.


I wanted to do something different for the access road to the Grain Elevator. Thoughts on the colored rock for the dirt road? Look ok?

Here is what I used for the dirt road, on the side of the road I just used dirt from the back yard.
Started on the ramp for the gravel road to the grain elevator....doesn't have to be too will just get ballest on top of it later(just needs a sanding and maybe another coat of joint compound). :)

Scrap yard area starting to look good! Might want to add some sort of guardrail(s) to 'the bridge' so your equipment doesn't take 'the dive' if you have an 'oops.' You've done a lot in a small space!
Scrap yard area starting to look good! Might want to add some sort of guardrail(s) to 'the bridge' so your equipment doesn't take 'the dive' if you have an 'oops.' You've done a lot in a small space!
Thanks! Yeah, I been meaning to hit Home Depot....I have seen some plexiglass there that I could rip down to 3" strips....just been busy with the holidays. :)
I got some facia up and some track weathered.
IMG_0136 (2).jpg

I know, I used a few
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On the bridge, the facia sits a little higher....incase of people bumping the bridge and causing a derailment or etc.
IMG_0151 (2).jpg
Quick view on how I braced the radius.
IMG_0138 (2).jpg

View of my my wiring, I put a ziptie around the blue connector...I just didn't have one installed in this picture.
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I nail in some hangers to keeping the wiring up and tight.
IMG_0144 (2).jpg

I will be adjusting the yard section a bit...I will make the right track isolated from the mainline so the yard switcher can move cars around and have the mainline clear.
IMG_0148 (2).jpg
