MRC Transistorized Control-master V Model Railroad Power Pack Throttle


New Member
Can anyone tell me when the transistor control master 5 was introduced on the market.
I love old vintage equipment, takes me back.
We’re they any good?
Probably mid 1970s or so. I picked one up in 1980 that had been sitting on the shelf for several years at that time.
Thank you, I never owned one just noticed it on eBay. I have a few layouts with old nostalgia equipment and trains
Thought it might be a good addition.
Can anyone tell me when the transistor control master 5 was introduced on the market.
I love old vintage equipment, takes me back.
We’re they any good?
The first mention of the Controlmaster V in Model Railroader magazine was in an advertisement on page 5 of December 1969 issue.

They were wonderful, but these days they are only as wonderful as how well the two main driving power transistors, and capacitors held up.
I built my own from the article "Model train control methods:2" pp 71-75 in February 1973 issue of Model Railroader. You could probably use the schematics fig 6A on page 72 to help repair a malfunctioning Controlmaster V.
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