Modeljunction site down?

Worked for me just now, too. I did have a Security tag pop up asking me if I wanted to open the site. Maybe check that & see if your's is hidden.

Dang! Well at least I know its working. Thanks everyone.

I have no idea why I can't access it. I'm running Firefox 3 so it's not like I'm on an old browser.
... I'm running Firefox 3 so it's not like I'm on an old browser.

That may be your problem! I've heard a few complaints about FF ver. 3 being dysfunctional. Whenever their pop-up window appears asking me if I want to install the v3 upgrade, I click the button labeled "Never".

Try reaching the site using IE6 or newer...
I'm using FF-3 no problems at all. That site came up zippity fast.
Cheers Willis
Well I tried it in IE but got the same "network timeout" as Firefox.

Must be some settings somewhere. Haven't got the foggiest which thing is blocking it though.
It could be a bad DNS cache at your ISP, I used to run into that with my old ISP all the time, I finally got ticked and started running my own DNS, but that's not something I recommend for joe user, it's a bunch of work to set up properly and maintain (something my old ISP did not do).
