Misleading E-Bay Ad

I chatted shortly with Jim VIA PM, and to me, it seems, the general view of custom is something specifically does for a specific buyer, not done, just to try to sell it for more money, w/o a buyer in mind.

Custom would apply to commissioned work, whereas "modified", and/or "detailed" would apply to something like the seller in question's work.
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Paul, only if you live across the border. :)

Josh, I think you've expressed the meaning of my original message precisely. If I have plans drawn up, hire a contractor, and have a house built to my specifications, I have a custom-built house. If I buy a spec built house because I like it, I might have a nice house but it would be misleading to sell it to the next buyer as a "custom built" house.

I'm glad to see the the "UP Fans" on e-bay are apparently a little more discerning than this seller thought they might be. :D
Josh wrote:

>air compressor details

Overflowing toilet with matching aroma.....
Garbage strewn inside the cab....


Hmmm, interesting. I bought something from him a month ago. I thought it was fine.

I don't worry too much about seller's hyperbole; it's nothing different than a used car salesman who says the car was owned by a little old lady from Pasedena. You look at what the seller is offering, is it more or less than what you expect, and disregard the superlatives. If it's something you're interested in, go for it.

I blew right past all superlatives and zero'd in on what he did to the model. Which is stuff the original never came with.

Well, I'm not a UP modeller so I'll defer to you. :D

But, I remember a marketing slogan that I heard years ago. And that is, you can sell anything to a model railroader if it has the Santa Fe Warbonnet paint scheme on it.....


Kennedy, we are in complete agreement there. I've often wondered why I've never seen a warbonnet scheme caboose. :) There's probably one out there somewhere.
