Miniatur Wunderland Germany


Staff member
The official video of Miniatur Wunderland Hamburg, the largest model railway in the world and one of the most successful permanent exhibitions in Germany.

Find more videos and informations on our homepage.

This thread is a sample of our new feature, you can now embed YouTube videos in your messages.

Here's how it works:

Make sure you click "Post Reply" or "Go Advanced", you can't do this in the quick reply box.

Once you're there, click on the YouTube icon in the reply section, and enter the unique tag for the video you want to post.

It will look like this:

Use the movie code from the YouTube URL in your browser. For example,

The "dWYTDuvkcNw" part is what you're looking for. Use that between the "Youtube" tags, like this [ YOUTUBE ] dWYTDuvkcNw [ /YOUTUBE ] (There won't be any spaces, I had to add those to make the code visible.)
