Locomotive Photo Help


Milwaukee Roader
I'm looking to detail an old athearn so it looks like the prototype Milwaukee Road GP9 #326. I have found two color photos, one at sd45.com and the other at rrpicture archives.

The sd45 photo was taken in Montana in 1970 and the exhaust appears to have spark arrestors on it? Whereas the rrpix photo was taken in Illinois in 1975 and does not have the spark arrestors, if that is what they are. Were they used in dry areas to prevent fires?



One other question. Where else can I look to find more color photos of this locomotive? Loco photos and railpictures.net didn't have a photo.

Maybe I'm lucky I have a shot from both sides to work with...

Thanks for any help.
A friend of mine has had luck in the past doing a Google Images search by listing the railroad and engine number in his searches. Might be worth a try. Note this is the Images section and not the general search on Google.

Good luck!
RE: "multicolored decal to the left of the Milw Rd. Herald"

Precursor to AEI tags. It was basically a barcode that identified the loco to an optical scanner. Things on the RR get dirty fairly quickly so they weren't used very long. Google 'railcar ACI tag' and you will find links explaining further.
Paul and Mark, thanks for the info, very interesting. I'm more of a modeler(and not much of one at that) than a prototype guy!

And the AEI tags are still in use? I'll have to keep my eyes open, are they easily noticed on freight cars?
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