Layout video using I-pad

I'm impressed. I wonder if I could do the same thing with my laptop. Yours has a very good effect. I also love the lumber loads.

Great video Charles!

I like the speed of the train, not to slow, but not so fast I can't admire the cars as they go by. The silver meteor boxcar was my favorite.

I got a Lionel DVD for Christmas and the trains run by so fast you can't make out what they are!

Thanks for sharing them and I see you have more to watch on YouTube too!
"...same thing with my laptop"...

I was told that apple uses the same small video CCD in 'pert-near' everything laptops, phones, pads etc.. The DOF is so great because of the very small image-area of the inexpensive CCD. Some of the I-phones are just as good and they can go where I-pads can't be fit.
