layout design and construction help

And I think we are going with the dimensions of the dark grey(or is it gray???) area as 5'x9'? Correct?
If thats the case, I think you might be well served with a center operating pit. It will give you access to that far corner, and will save some money on materials. I dont feel a 5'x9' sheet of plywood will serve you too well in that space.
Or, maybe you can go with a walk in type layout, sort of a folded dogbone, you can probably pull that off, and gain some operations excitment...I wish I did that in my space.
But, alas, I am no layout design expert...

Here is my not so great drawing of the space.

Good start. Now tell us where entrances to the room is, and what those things you have drawn is.

If you have to put a layout into that corner and want a loop layout, your best bet is a doughnut shaped layout, operated from inside the pit.

But it is not a good location for a H0 scale continuous run, closed loop layout. Instead you could get a pretty nice 5x9 foot U-shaped layout with an opening towards the left (or at least - it might show up when photobucket works right again - they are doing something right now):


This is an upsized (to 6 x 10 feet) version of a 5x9 foot plan by Twin Cities model railroader Linda Sand from Model Railroad Planning magazine. Easy enough to scale it back to 5x9.

Not a given that this type of track plan will appeal to you, but it is a fairly flexible plan for anything but continuous running.

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He could make that a center operating pit as well...with an 18" section on the open side.
The 18" wide table is, you will have access on both sides for photo taking.
so, we are done now!?!?! Sweet...good luck, show us some build photos.
Well I won't be able to build until I get enough money for the materials which should be sometime in the beginning of October.
Hey there again! I'm back again, With more room than I did last time. We should the couch we had that was limiting my space so I now Have room for a 9' x 8' layout!
