Knowing what's in your yard and exactly where


Well-Known Member
Of course many cars are identical looking except for the number. In yards it's often impossible to read the number on the car. I use JMRI Operations which will look for a specific car so I use my laptop desktop to know what cars are where in my yard. Makes it easier to go to work once I get my switch list.

Just photos I took of the cars I have so far which I renamed with road name and number. I drag the files where I need them and put them off to the side when it's not in the yard. I need many more cars but I think I'll have room. For those of you who don't have room maybe make a folder which you can drag the cars not in the yard into.

This is what I came up with to solve the problem, anyone else...? 😃

I have a physical layout and use car cards and waybills, so I can tell what cars are in in what tracks and what order they are in. I have a pocket for each track and the CCWB for each car is in the corresponding pocket in the order the cars are standing in the tracks. I don't worry about reading the car numbers in the tracks, since I know the standing order, I do like the prototype does and pull the track out to get to the car.
