I need help on Campbell's Produce Shed

John from Indiana

Well-Known Member
My current structure build is Campbell's HO scale Produce Shed. I am building the produce shed itself now. The instructions are kind of vague on how to install the 50 roof rafters onto the shed roof center beam. Has anyone built this kit and remembers how they glued all the rafters on to have them all the same angles and lengths? Like I said the instructions (to me) are not very legible. The pictures shows a little of what I'm talking about
Can you take a pic on the instructions?
I think I have come up with a plan; I don't think it is what Campbell had in mind; but I am going to make it easier on myself. My plan involves gluing the rafters to the roof card; and gluing that to three main shed roof supports. Thanks for the replay
The kit called for rolled tar paper roofing...I'm not a big fan of that type so I went with shingles. The shingles covered up the rafters, so that took care of that...only problems if my big thumb in the picture


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The kit called for rolled tar paper roofing...I'm not a big fan of that type so I went with shingles. The shingles covered up the rafters, so that took care of that...only problems if my big thumb in the picture

John. I cannot help with the original challenging question, but darken the struts underneath almost black; not black, but almost. Black is not natural. Smoke is various colours, but over time is nearly black. DO NOT USE BLACK COLOUR. The wood is brown and dirty 'the years' smoke eats into the wood. Have debris there as well. Darken everything else, not as much, smoky brown. Boxes on the platform in various shades of brown. (Some would be older and more used than newer ones,) Darken the shingles. Smoke from locomotives would affect them.. Do that; and it will be a case of "Is it real, or a model."

John. Certainly NOT a criticism, just as I see it. Seeing what I see and not what I thought I saw. Love the scene.
John. I cannot help with the original challenging question, but darken the struts underneath almost black; not black, but almost. Black is not natural. Smoke is various colours, but over time is nearly black. DO NOT USE BLACK COLOUR. The wood is brown and dirty 'the years' smoke eats into the wood. Have debris there as well. Darken everything else, not as much, smoky brown. Boxes on the platform in various shades of brown. (Some would be older and more used than newer ones,) Darken the shingles. Smoke from locomotives would affect them.. Do that; and it will be a case of "Is it real, or a model."

John. Certainly NOT a criticism, just as I see it. Seeing what I see and not what I thought I saw. Love the scene.
David, Yeah, I see what you mean, The vertical beams holding up the office area are pretty dark; but the lower deck cross pieces are way to light. I have never tried weathering paper shingles...may an overall coating of dark AI would tone down the "new-ness" look. Thanks for the input.
Use a driftwood wash and a dark grey wash, then add some highlights on the exposed shingle edges.

Looks good
